Kingdom and Covenant in the New Testament | Our Daily Bread University
New Testament | NT329 | (4.92)

Kingdom and Covenant in the New Testament

This course examines where the kingdom of God originated and what it means for us today by examining where this central theme relates to the new covenant in Christ.

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Have you ever wondered why the New Testament gives so much attention to the kingdom of God? Or how this central theme relates to the new covenant in Christ? This course explores these two fundamental features of the New Testament by examining where they originated and what they mean for us today.

  1. Use all the resources and complete all the written assignments of the lesson, expressing your own thoughts and attitudes regarding the importance of New Testament theology.
  2. Obtain satisfactory grades on the automatically graded activities of the lesson, demonstrating that you can identify: a) key biblical arguments for the inspiration of the New Testament, b) the meaning of its inspiration, and c) key epochal, cultural, and personal continuities and discontinuities between our time and the time of the New Testament.
  3. Complete the questionnaire of the lesson, in which you show how you have applied the teachings of the lesson to your own life.
Course Rating: 4.92
Based on 3 reviews with the most recent from 2 months ago.
  • It was a rather unusual approach to the subject and contained terminology I had not come across before.

    — Iain, United Kingdom
  • A lot of material and quizzes for just one CEU, but great content.

    — Lauren, United States
  • I think this course would be not be suitable for a new believer, but rather someone who has devoted some time and energy into studying scripture and who desires to have a deeper, more advanced course on the fulfillment of God's kingdom... so in essence, it would really depend on the person as to whether or not I would recommend this course to others. There was a TON of information in the course lectures that I think might have better been absorbed in smaller bites rather than hour-long gulps. It was a lot to take in and digest in three sessions. I think it needs to be broken up into more shorter sessions. The powerpoint outlined talking points in the video were helpful in organizing my personal notes. I finished this course, thankful to be living in the New Covenant in which "Because I am in Christ, every eternal blessing has already been assigned to me." The saving work of Christ in the inauguration, the blessings and joy of life with him in the continuation is what sustains me through His Holy Spirit, and I look forward to the day of consummation when Jesus will make all things new!

    — Cheryl, United States
  • its a great piece God richly bless you. i however think it will be better it is further subdivided into six lessons.

    — Stephen, United States
  • Loved this course. Valuable information to have and share.

    — Donald, United States
  • This course has been very helpful for me to understand the Kingdom of God as well as the Old and the New covenants. It has also helped me to think through the relationship among those concepts. The course is devotional as well. Thank you very much.

    — Mizuho, United States

Course Content

Lesson One
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/4 Steps
Lesson Two
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/4 Steps
Lesson Three
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/4 Steps
Course Wrap-Up
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/2 Steps
Disciple Level
Enrollment Options

Course Details

  • High Effort
  • 3 Lessons
  • 60 Min Average Lecture
  • Course Award

Course Resources


Simon Vibert, DMin

Course Provider

Third Millennium

Course content is provided courtesy of Third Millennium Ministries.