Defending Our Faith

The purpose of this course is to help you express God's love toward those who oppose your faith while defending your faith.


This course will guide you in ways to defend your faith while expressing God’s love toward those who oppose you. The emphasis is not on “winning the argument” but on planting seeds of the gospel in your conversations. First Peter 3:15 says, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”


Leader's Guide
  • Define apologetics and explain why it is important.
  • Understand the difference between Christian apologetics and winning an argument.
  • Understand some of the different views held by other faiths.
  • Discuss how the Bible addresses questions raised by the LGBTQ Community.
  • Understanding the importance of responding to different views with gentleness and respect.
  • This brief and simple course is very helpful. The information is presented in an easy-to-understand manner that anyone can make use of. It makes the differences of belief plain. Yet, it stresses the need to keep the lines of communication open and to pray regularly for people of different faiths.

    — Helen, United States
  • Hard questions need real answers. All people do not understand that the Word of God is the only Truth. This course is very good to bridge the generation gap of conversation.

    — Marcia, United States
  • To be honest I very much liked the course. The only thing I did not like was the music at the very beginning of each lecture-but that has to do with my age nothing to do with the course.

    — Normand, United States
  • D.A. Carson draws upon long experience and thoughtful consideration of how to guide young people. I think I am much better prepared to respond to these groups who oppose Christ.

    — R.l., United States
  • Great course that will help me to witness to those of other beliefs outside of Christianity.

    — Everett, United States
  • A very informative presentation! I did not know what Muslims, Mormons, Roman Catholics, or LGBT believed. Wow! Thank you Jesus for saving me!

    — Lindsey, United States
  • These courses gave me greater understanding of people's lives on the streets, broken homes, drugs and gangs, and I can closely relate to my youthful days but it gives me greater knowledge to break away from negatives of life to greater joy in God.

    — Masayoshi, United States
  • I greatly enjoyed this course because I learned more specific information about the different belief systems and how to witness effectively to them. Looking forward to continuing with these studies.

    — Donna, United States
  • This opened my eyes for the need to look at what other beliefs teach, and to humbly direct them to Christ.

    — Bradley, United States

Course Content

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Lesson Five
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Lesson Seven
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Course Wrap-Up
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Apprentice Level
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Course Details

  • Low Effort
  • 7 Lessons
  • 6 Min Average Lecture
  • Course Award

Course Resources

Videos Audios Transcripts Listening Guides Discussion Questions

D. A. Horton

Course Provider

Urban Institute

Course content is provided courtesy of Urban Youth.