The Lamb of God: A Lent Devotional for Shepherd Leaders

Lent is a time of prayer, reflection, repentance, and self-discipline, a season to consider Christ’s love for us and the price He paid for our freedom. It is designed to help us remember the suffering, death, and resurrection of our Lord and is a gift that gives language to biblical customs reminding us of our need for Jesus – the Lamb of God.

This devotional includes one theme per week during the Lenten season and is intended to specifically relate to your shepherding journey. It is meant to begin on Ash Wednesday and conclude the week leading up to Easter Sunday. You will find a Scripture passage to contemplate throughout the week, as well as a devotional thought to ponder, questions to prompt application, and a prayer to consider. For broader use, we have included Ideas for Families and Groups for those who wish to deepen their reflection corporately.

Join shepherd leaders around the world during the 46 days leading up to Easter and spend time in God’s Word, providing an opportunity for spiritual growth that only Scripture meditation, personal reflection,
deep soul-seeking, and drawing near to the Father can bring to our lives. Then, together, let us gratefully observe Good Friday, sing with joy at the celebration on Easter Sunday, and move into the remainder of the year more fully committed and equipped to shepherd well the sheep
entrusted to our care.

Download the PDF from Presence Point.

Recommended Course(s): Shepherd Leadership