A Story of a Life Led by the Spirit

In the days following the promise, everyone was a possible Messiah. Simeon watched, examined, speculated. The knowledge of death following the fulfillment of the promise was a distant dark cloud consumed by the light of Messiah’s coming. It held no threat in comparison to the joy of the promise.
Luke 2:22-38
Today might be the day. Certainly there was something different about today.
Simeon sat in the Outer Court of the temple, the Court of the Women, watching, waiting. His eyes flitting eagerly over the people coming to offer their sacrifices.
Today had to be the day. Why else would the Spirit move him to come to the Temple? He knew it was the Spirit, he had felt the Spirit before, it was unmistakable….
To read (for free) the rest of this retold Discovery Series’ story and learn more about living a life led by the Holy Spirit, click here.