Embracing Joy—Free Download | Our Daily Bread University

Embracing Joy—Free Download


Tiny jewels often get overlooked. 

And sometimes they’re the most valuable!

The book of Habakkuk is like one of those jewels providing rich content for those willing to listen. Author Jean Wilund divides the content into 8 nuggets of truth in Embracing Joy: An 8-Week Transformational Bible Study

As the prophet Habakkuk struggled with the sin of his people and the coming invasion by Assyrian, how did he embrace joy? 

In your circumstances—how can you find joy?

Our Daily Bread Publishing wants to share with you the first 2 chapters of Embracing Joy. Download and sample the chapters. If you like it, use the QR code at the end to get the complete book. 

Where have you embraced joy in the midst of unpleasant circumstances? Comment below to share.