Change in ODBU Free Courses

Our Daily Bread University

Are you enjoying the free courses on ODBU?

We want to let you know that we will be making a change in the courses that are available without a subscription.

Starting on October 4, you will notice the following changes:

  • All courses from these partner providers will be free: Compass, Third Millenium, Teach Every Nation, and Bible Journey. That’s over 75 courses!
  • All new courses will be free for three months following their release.
  • Courses provided by ODBU will require a subscription, including our Basics series.

If you are currently accessing any free courses provided by ODBU, you have until October 4 to complete them. After October 4 check out all the great courses you can access for free!

We also have a 7 day free trial if you would like to access all that ODBU has to offer!