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Review Questions

These questions are designed to help you review important material covered in the lecture.

  1. Describe the major events of the early monarchy.
  2. What characterized the prophetic ministry during the early monarchy?
  3. Describe the major events of the Assyrian judgment.
  4. What characterized the prophetic ministry during the Assyrian judgment?
  5. Describe the major events of the Babylonian judgment.
  6. What characterized the prophetic ministry during the Babylonian judgment?
  7. Describe the major events that took place during the restoration period.
  8. What characterized the prophetic ministries during the restoration period?

Application Questions

Application questions are appropriate for written assignments or as topics for group discussions. For written assignments, it is recommended that answers not exceed one page in length.

  1. Read 2 Kings 18-19. During the Sennacherib invasion, King Hezekiah asked the Lord to deliver him and his people. Why do you think God acted on King Hezekiah’s behalf? How might God deliver modern believers who face insurmountable enemies?
  2. Jonah’s place of ministry was unique among the prophets. He was called to go to Nineveh, the capital of Assyria. To Jonah’s dismay, the people repented. What does Jonah’s ministry reveal to you about God’s fame throughout the nations? What does Jonah’s ministry reveal to you about your enemies?
  3. The prophet Isaiah called for trust in the Lord even during periods of judgment. How did Isaiah attempt to persuade his audience? What can modern Christians learn from Isaiah’s strategy?
  4. The prophets during the restoration concluded that ultimate blessings would come only in the distant future. What does this tell us about the role that Christ played? How should this understanding of Christ’s role influence the ways we interact with other believers and with the unbelieving world?
  5. What is the most significant insight you have learned from this study? Why?