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The Pentateuch: Genesis – Deuteronomy

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Review Questions

These questions are designed to help you review important material covered in the lecture.

  1. Summarize the five-step drama of the Flood of Deliverance.
  2. How do the sections about the Sons of Noah and the Defeat of Babel characterize the patterns of the New Order after the flood?
  3. Describe the connections between the flood of Noah’s day and the experience of Israel in Moses’ day. What implications did Moses intend his audience to draw from these connections?
  4. What did Moses want his audience to learn from the account of Noah’s sons in Genesis 9:18–10:32?
  5. How did the inauguration of the kingdom correspond to the themes Moses emphasized in Genesis 6:9–11:9?
  6. How does the continuation of the kingdom correspond to the themes Moses emphasized in Genesis 6:9–11:9?
  7. How will the consummation of the kingdom correspond to the themes Moses emphasized in Genesis 6:9–11:9?
  8. Summarize the modern application of Genesis 6:9–11:9 in light of the inauguration, continuation and consummation of the kingdom.

Application Questions

Application questions are intended for group discussions.

  1. The theme of deliverance can be traced through Noah’s flood, the Israelite’s journey to the Promised Land and the inauguration of the kingdom. In what ways has God delivered you? How the theme of God’s deliverance provide hope for you and the world today?
  2. Moses about these chapters to motivate the Israelites to move forward in battle. How do can we apply this same motivation to spiritual warfare? What other battles has God placed before you?
  3. How were the people of Babel confused about the ways of God? Give an example of how modern Christians depend on their own efforts and security instead of relying God.
  4. In what ways do modern people scoff and doubt Christ’s return? How does remembering Noah’s flood remind us of Christ’s forthcoming cataclysmic intervention?
  5. What is the most significant insight you have learned from this study? Why?