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The Pentateuch: Genesis – Deuteronomy

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Review Questions

These questions are designed to help you review important material covered in the lecture.

  1. What do evangelicals mean when they say that Moses was the “fundamental” or “essential” author of the book of Exodus?
  2. What scriptural evidence leads us to believe that Moses completed the book of Exodus while Israel was encamped on the border of the Promised Land?
  3. What was the purpose of the book of Exodus? What impact would Exodus have had on Moses’ original audience?
  4. The fact that New Testament authors often referred to the book of Exodus reminds us that the book is relevant for followers of Christ. How does the book of Exodus provide guidance for our lives today?
  5. List and describe the major events of Moses’ early life recorded in Exodus 1-18, and explain how God was preparing Moses to deliver Israel from Egypt.
  6. After God delivered Israel, he gave his people the Law and the tabernacle. How did these elements relate to the covenant that God made with Israel? How did these ordinances prepare the people to enter the land of Canaan?
  7. God’s identified himself to Israel by a covenant name. Explain how the various forms of his name express the nature of his covenant with the Israelites.
  8. As Israel’s victorious warrior, God fought for his people throughout their deliverance. Describe God’s miraculous judgments while they were still slaves in Egypt. Explain how he continued to fight for them in their march to freedom.
  9. As the covenant lawgiver, the law God gave through Moses was a gift to his people. According to Protestant tradition, explain what is meant by the normative or instructive use of the law, and describe how God’s commands were used primarily to guide Israel toward his blessings.
  10. God promised to be present with his people. How and where was his presence displayed? What caused God to threaten to remove his presence, and how did Moses respond?

Application Questions

Application questions are intended for group discussions.

  1. What relevance does God’s covenant with Moses have for your life and ministry today?
  2. Just as God fulfilled his promise to deliver the Israelites, he has fulfilled his promise to deliver us through Jesus’ first coming. How does this encourage you while you are living in the continuation of the kingdom, yet still looking ahead to the final consummation?
  3. God will fully defeat his enemies when Jesus returns in judgment. But until that time, how should we respond to injustice? How should we treat our enemies?
  4. When Jesus returns, the time for the reconciliation of sinners to God will end. What impact should this have on the way we evangelize?
  5. We learn in Exodus that God’s laws are his gracious gift to his people. Is it easy or difficult for you to consider God’s laws as gracious blessings? Explain your answer.
  6. In the new heavens and new earth, we will fully obey God’s laws. What hope can you take from this, and what hope can you provide those to whom you minister?
  7. God has promised to be present with his people always. Have there been times in your life that you have powerfully experienced the presence of God through his Spirit? If so, explain.
  8. We all experience times when it can be difficult to feel God’s presence. How might Exodus provide encouragement for you in these low times? How can you minister to others who are experiencing similar difficulties?
  9. In the new heavens and new earth, we will experience the fullness of God’s presence for all eternity. What do you think this will be like? What experiences in the new heavens and new earth do you look forward to the most?
  10. What is the most significant thing you learned in this lesson?