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Reflection Questions

Review the following questions and write down your answers in your own Course Workbook.

  1. Review: Draw a creative chart or picture that contains every one of the 5 Steps to Forgive and name each step on your drawing.
  2. Reflect: One of the greatest secrets of forgiving yourself is your choice to extend compassion to yourself. You are worthy to receive your own forgiveness! Think though all parts of your life and list three reasons why you are indeed worthy to receive the gift of your own compassion.
  3. Respond: Did you forgive yourself for everything and use the Forgiveness Validator? If you did, then you have already begun to experience God’s peace. Why not write a prayer, thanking God for His forgiveness and for granting you courage to forgive yourself? He deserves your appreciation!
  4. Resolve: If you are ready, then affirm the following statement of your resolve: “I hereby commit to God and to myself to extend compassion and forgive myself the next time I wound another person or myself. I am resolved to never again permit any unforgiveness toward myself to ever occur again!” Amen!