Lesson 1, Activity 3
Further Study
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Review Questions
These questions are designed to help you review important material covered in the lecture.
- What does the Bible teach about Christ’s divinity?
- Explain the biblical concept of the Trinity.
- What is God’s eternal counsel regarding Christ?
- What were the roles of God the Father and God the Son during the creation week?
- How did humanity fall into sin?
- What motivated Jesus to redeem sinners?
- Discuss the divine promises that made redemption certain.
- What work did Jesus do to accomplish redemption for sinners?
- Describe the manner of Jesus’ return. Include some examples from Scripture.
- Explore the crucial events that Jesus will initiate at the consummation, including what will happen to all people at the last judgment.
- What will be the results of Jesus’ return?
Application Questions
Application questions are appropriate for written assignments or as topics for group discussions. For written assignments, it is recommended that answers not exceed one page in length.
- How does knowing that Jesus is eternally God impact the way you read the Bible?
- How does understanding the roles of each member of the Trinity help us in evangelism?
- What comfort and encouragement do you find in God’s eternal plan of salvation?
- What practical implications can we draw from knowing that the purpose of creation is to serve as God’s special kingdom to display his glory?
- How can understanding God’s foreknowledge comfort you when things in life surprise you?
- Why do you need Jesus to be your Redeemer?
- What are specific ways your life has been changed since you received Jesus’ redemption?
- What ministries are you currently engaged in and how are they helping to share Jesus with unbelievers?
- How should we approach difficult relationships knowing that in the consummation all relationships will be restored?
- How should we view and treat creation now, knowing that God will renew it when Christ returns?
- What are some specific ways you can respond in your present circumstances to the final redemption you will receive?
- What are some things you look forward in the consummation?
- What is the most significant thing you learned in this lesson?