Lesson 1, Activity 3
Further Study
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Review Questions
These questions are designed to help you review important material covered in the lecture.
- What are “creation ordinances”? Give some examples of both explicit and implicit creation ordinances found in Scripture.
- Where in Scripture do we find the two biblical accounts of creation? Summarize both accounts, and explain how the two narratives differ in their focus.
- The Bible describes Adam and Eve as real historical people. Provide at least three references from Scripture that affirm Adam and Eve’s historicity, and explain the significance of each reference.
- In what ways does Scripture teach that humanity is superior to the rest of God’s earthly creatures? Cite specific references to support your answer.
- How does the Bible refer to the physical or material aspects of our human nature? Why are our physical bodies necessary aspects of our existence?
- How does the Bible refer to the immaterial aspects of our human nature? What does Scripture teach happens to our souls after our bodies die?
- Why do many theologians believe that God made a covenant with Adam even though the word for “covenant” was not used in the record of humanity’s creation?
- What is God’s benevolence? How did God show benevolence to Adam and Eve?
- Beyond not eating the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, what two types of loyalty did God require of Adam and Eve?
- What were some of the consequences of Adam and Eve’s disobedience? How did God extend benevolence to them in their new state of sin?
Application Questions
Application questions are appropriate for written assignments or as topics for group discussions. For written assignments, it is recommended that answers not exceed one page in length.
- Some contemporary theologians teach that Adam and Eve were not historical people but merely “metaphorical” figures. How might this claim threaten our historic Christian faith? How would you defend the historicity of Adam and Eve?
- Read Psalm 8 and meditate on it. Make a list of all the things Psalm 8 teaches you about your dignity before God. What does God think of you, since you have been created in his image?
- How is human dignity being upheld and promoted by the society where you live? How is it being undermined or damaged? What can you do to defend humanity’s God-given dignity within your realm of influence?
- What are some common beliefs about human origins that exist in your culture? How do these views compare and contrast with the Christian view?
- Scripture tells us that our bodies will be resurrected in the new heavens and new earth. How might this be an encouragement to our Christian brothers and sisters who have physical illnesses or disabilities? How can this hope help us minister to them without undermining the seriousness of their physical conditions?
- Although the physical and immaterial aspects of our beings are interrelated, we sometimes focus on one over the other. What is the danger in doing this, and how can we give proper attention to both?
- Scripture tells us that the priestly and royal roles assigned to Adam and Eve in the Garden have been passed on to us. How are you fulfilling this calling in your life? How does this energize you to continue with your work?
- What is the most significant thing you learned in this lesson?