Basics of Biblical Greek
Lesson OneIntroduction to the Course3 Activities
Lesson TwoThe Alphabet and Pronunciation3 Activities
Lesson ThreePunctuation and Syllabification4 Activities
Lesson FourIntroduction to English Nouns3 Activities
Lesson FiveNominative and Accusative; Definite Article4 Activities
Lesson SixGenitive and Dative4 Activities
Lesson SevenPrepositions4 Activities
Lesson EightAdjectives4 Activities
Lesson NineThird Declension4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson TenFirst and Second Person Personal Pronouns4 Activities
Lesson Elevenαύτός4 Activities
Lesson TwelveDemonstrative Pronouns/Adjectives4 Activities
Lesson ThirteenRelative Pronoun4 Activities
Lesson FourteenIntroduction to Verbs3 Activities
Lesson FifteenPresent Active Indicative4 Activities
Lesson SixteenContract Verbs4 Activities
Lesson SeventeenPresent Middle/Passive Indicative4 Activities
Lesson EighteenFuture Active/Middle Indicative4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson NineteenVerbal Roots, and Other forms of the Future4 Activities
Lesson TwentyImperfect Indicative4 Activities
Lesson Twenty-OneSecond Aorist Active/Middle Indicative4 Activities
Lesson Twenty-TwoFirst Aorist Active/Middle Indicative4 Activities
Lesson Twenty-ThreeAorist and Future Passive Indicative4 Activities
Lesson Twenty-FourPerfect Indicative4 Activities
Lesson Twenty-FiveIntroduction to Participles4 Activities
Lesson Twenty-SixPresent (Continuous) Adverbial Participles3 Activities
Lesson Twenty-SevenAorist (Undefined) Adverbial Participles4 Activities
Lesson Twenty-EightAdjectival Participles4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson Twenty-ninePerfect Participles and Genitive Absolutes4 Activities
Lesson ThirtySubjunctive Mood4 Activities
Lesson Thirty-OneInfinitive4 Activities
Lesson Thirty-TwoImperative4 Activities
Lesson Thirty-ThreeIndicative4 Activities
Lesson Thirty-FourNonindicative; Conditional Sentences4 Activities
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 86
Overview and Objectives
Lesson Overview
Anything long and difficult (such as learning a language!) requires a good start. In this first lesson, Dr. Mounce introduces the course and offers important pointers on how to approach this honorable task. Set your foundation for the whole course by identifying both the why and the how. Why are you learning Greek, and how do you plan to do it? Dr. Mounce gives both realistic and encouraging advice as you begin.
Lesson Objectives
When you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
- Identify the purpose for Mounce’s Grammar.
- Appreciate Mounce’s overall approach to teaching Greek.
- Put biblical (Koine) Greek in the context and history of the Greek language.
- Write your purpose for learning Greek.
- Commit yourself to consistent and persistent study.
Personal Reflection
As you proceed through this lesson have the following question in mind.
Dr. Mounce argues that the Gospel “does not belong to the erudite alone; it belongs to all people.” On what does he base this conclusion and how should this guide those who preach and teach from the Greek text?
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