Lesson 4, Activity 3

Discussion Questions

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Christian Learning Center Forums In your own words, and based on what you learned in this lecture, explain what it means to be merciful.


  • Deborah Iacovelli

    02/16/2025 at 11:28

    I believe being merciful is showing compassion to those who are less fortunate, no matter what the cause of those circumstances. Unlike the what seems to be the current teachings of much of the world, Jesus called us to help the poor and less fortunate.

  • Gail Bradley

    01/12/2025 at 18:49

    I would say to put someone else’s needs and concerns before yours. Also, to plead a case for the one who cannot plead for themselves. More or less, feed the hungry, clothed the poor, and house the homeless. These may seem like easy tasks, but they are not, but they are very honorable selfless acts.

  • Pearl Kiaha

    12/10/2024 at 19:50

    To be merciful is to be compassionate, empathetic, and caring for others.

  • Kenneth

    10/12/2024 at 19:39

    Whenever the word mercy is used in the Old testament, as a plumb line, it is denoting God overlooking, looking past, forgiving, our sins and our nature and still continuing to be gracious unto us. Psalms 78 says that he was merciful because he remembered that we were just flesh. If I was to take this as a rule, I would be reminded that no matter who the person is, how high or low the person is, that they are just flesh. They were born as I was born. Though their path might have been different we all begin the same way. In other words we were all born as babies and the things that shape our personalities are the things in which we encounter throughout life. The New testament will use the word evil, which is translated from Greek as ‘poneros’ which literally means hurting so they hurt. In other words hurting people hurt people. The context is that Jesus looked upon this person and had mercy. Because he did not focus on them hurting people, but he had sympathy because they were hurting as well. If only they could be healed. Then they would realize that they were hurting others. Course is not to return evil for evil but to do good in the face of evil, with the chance that our Mercy and kindness will heap coals of fire upon their heads, or in other words convict them of what they are doing. Mercy is the ability to give someone another chance and Hope that they will repent of their actions and turn away from the behaviors and make amends with all the ones they hurt. Then, as Jesus says, you would have gained a brother. In the scriptures, Jesus does say he’s preparing a table before us and the presence of our enemies, not that we gloat, but that we make room for them to sit down and share bread with us. Mercy is necessary in order to bring peace.

  • Ashonda Green

    10/11/2024 at 17:59

    Being merciful means to have compassion, care for others who find themselves in situations of adversity. For example, helping others in the midst of catastrophe, there are many people at this present moment who have lost their homes. A good example of being merciful, is to donate food clothes or shelter if you have. This is helpful to those that have lost their homes due to their hurricane. Blessed are the merciful, for you Shall have Mercy.

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Christian Learning Center Forums In your own words, and based on what you learned in this lecture, explain what it means to be pure in heart.


  • Pearl Kiaha

    12/10/2024 at 19:52

    To be pure in heart is to be completely devoted to God.

  • Kenneth

    10/12/2024 at 20:49

    The key word is “heart.” The scriptures say the heart is deceitfully wicked. No man can know it. (Jeremiah 7:9) I believe this is the baseline of man’s heart. It is not all-inclusive, because this Beatitudes sets an exclusivity. There are those who have a pure heart. The instructor parallels pure with clean, and though they are similar, I believe they are as different as the soul (clean) and spirit (pure). Though the soul is also considered a “shade, ghost, psyche (mind), it is not a spirit, though it is spirit-like…spirit-ish. One is in use of man (soul) to reign in dominion on earth, and the other is the spark of life from God to animate the body (James 2:26) Very close and can be confused with each other but different origins and functions. Clean is a function of Christ illustrated in the feet washing where He tells Peter “If I wash you not, you have no part with me.” Peter will say then not my feet only but hands and head also, by which Jesus will reply “He that is clean is clean withal, EXCEPT HIS FEET.” (that’s for another essay).

    Why Psalms 24 says “<sup style=”font-family: inherit; color: inherit;”>4 </sup>He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart…” Hands are clean, but the heart is pure. The cleanliness of hands is subjective to the work of another force and its expression is revealed through the objective condition of the heart. The hands are clean BECAUSE the heart is pure. Of course there are people with clean hands through the atoning work of Jesus Christ, but the heart still wants/longs/pines/ for this world and is not pure. So the inclusion of a pure heart is truly a “spiritual” acuity, I believe given by God at birth, to those called chosen. Its like a hunger that strives to meet God, find God, Love God, and cannot be quenched. There are those who have surrendered all, given up all, without any form or need of explanation because they don’t have one. They were born this way, or overtaken in their life’s journey. This pure heart is a heart that remembers God even before they were formed and while living here is continuously longing for that encounter written it their members before they even had thought…they tasted God and “see” thus they long for HIM and cannot help it. Continually conscious HIS presence and continually enjoying the pleasures of HIS right hand.

  • Ashonda Green

    10/11/2024 at 18:32

    A pure heart is having a clear heart attitude, where the heart is changed and the outward behavior is consisted with the attitude.

    This is a beautiful change for example, when one change from darkness to light, receiving salvation, and following after the lifestyle of Jesus. How do you know that person has changed from their old lifestyle? This is when their heart is committed to Jesus and you can see their lifestyle by their behavior becoming consistent, with a pure heart to follow God.

  • Deborah Strahan

    07/17/2024 at 14:40

    To worship the one true God and God alone.

  • Judy Spengler

    07/16/2024 at 11:48

    Pure in heart means putting Christ above all things. He should be the focus of your life and the Bible should be your road map for living.

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