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Genesis, Part 2: Covenant Family Established
Lesson OneThe Patriarchs (Begin reading Genesis 12-50)17 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Genesis 12-50
In | Bible Concordance Exercise
In | Genesis 1-11 and the Rest of the Story
In | Promises for the Journey
In | Workbook: The Patriarchal Promises
Behind | Patriarchal Culture
Behind | Workbook: Defining the Three Ps
Behind | Onsite: Bedouin Honor and Hospitality - Dr. Iain Pickett
Behind | Polygamous Culture
Behind | Pagan Culture
Behind | Land Grants and Covenant Cutting
Behind | Onsite: Split Sacrifice - Steve Wunderink
In Front | Divine Choice
In Front | Divine Promise
In Front | Workbook: Journaling Exercise
Getting Started
Lesson TwoAbraham (Gen 12-24)19 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Genesis 12-24
In | Workbook: Abraham’s Faithfulness and Faithlessness - Genesis 12–25
In | Stories of Abraham and Sarah
Behind | iMap: Journeys of the Patriarchs
Behind | An Introduction to the Patriarchal Period: Dr. Robert Homsher
Behind | Urban Living and Trade in the Patriarchal Period: Dr. Robert Homsher
Behind | Warfare in the Patriarchal Period: Dr. Robert Homsher
Behind | Religious and Burial Practices in the Patriarchal Period: Dr. Robert Homsher
Behind | Workbook: Homsher Interview
In Front | Abraham's Faith and Faithlessness
In Front | New Identity
In Front | Christianity Today: David Was a Rapist; Abraham Was a Sex-Trafficker
In Front | Workbook: The Pimping Patriarch?
In Front | An Interview with Anne Graham Lotz, Part 1
In Front | An Interview with Anne Graham Lotz, Part 2
In Front | Workbook: Lotz Interview
In Front | Using Imagination Responsibly
Getting Started
Lesson ThreeJacob (Gen 25-36)11 Activities|2 Assessments
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Genesis 25-36
In | Workbook: Abraham and Jacob: Genesis 25–36
In | Introduction to Jacob
Behind | Biblical Sites: Main Places in Jacob's Life
Behind | Onsite: Peniel - Wrestling with God
Behind | 360 View: Peniel "Face of God"
Behind | Onsite: Madaba Sheep Market - Dr. Iain Pickett
In Front | Why Was Jacob Chosen?
In Front | Workbook: Reflection
Getting Started
Lesson FourJoseph (Gen 37-50)20 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Genesis 37-50
In | Story Arcs
In | Workbook: The Story of Joseph - Genesis 37–50
In | The Life of Joseph
In | Foreshadowing
In | Predictions, Prophecies, Promises and Foreshadowing
Behind | Introduction to Behind the Text
Behind | Onsite: Semites in Egypt - The Beni Hassan Tomb
Behind | Onsite: Joseph the Administrator - Egyptologist Essam Zeid
Behind | Onsite: The Storehouses of Joseph - Egyptologist Essam Zeid
Behind | Joseph's Cultural Setting
Behind | Onsite: Temple Granaries - Professor Steve Wunderink
Behind | Joseph as a Model for Familial Reconciliation: Dr. Célestin Musekura
Behind | Joseph in Egypt: Dr. Andrea Zaki
In Front | Workbook: Review of Interviews
In Front | Museum of the Bible: Global Impact Bible - The Impact of the Joseph Story
In Front | Workbook: The Joseph Story in Paintings
In Front | Our Daily Bread: When to Walk Away
Getting Started
Lesson FiveConclusion (Review Genesis 12-50)13 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Genesis 37-50
In | The Bible Project: Genesis 12–50
In | Major Themes in Genesis
In | Nested Narratives
Behind | The Embalming of Jacob: Egyptologist Essam Zeid
Behind | Onsite: Tombs of the Patriarchs
Behind | iMap: Tombs of the Patriarchs
In Front | The Metanarrative of the Old Testament
In Front | Our Daily Bread: The Gift of Remembering
In Front | Workbook: Guiding Questions - Genesis
In Front | Workbook: The Uniqueness of Genesis
Getting Started
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Lesson 5, Activity 13
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
You’ve definitely heard one big emphasis in Bible Journey by now: that God’s global interest is not displaced by the shift in focus to a chosen family. In fact, the two are inextricably related. You’ve also gotten acquainted to a set of covenant promises that are, for the most part, delayed. The map of Canaan is, at this point, just there to see where the patriarchs and matriarchs were buried! And now, the next step in our journey involves 400 years in Egypt where God’s people will suffer a lot before any sign of release comes from heaven. Let’s stick with the plot as it thickens. Each generation has a unique challenge to stay true to a God who offers an amazing covenant but who reveals himself only occasionally.