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Exodus, Part 1: Covenant People Rescued
Lesson OneRescuer Prepared (Ex 1-6)26 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Exodus 1-6
In | Workbook: Genesis 50 to Exodus 1
In | Story Arcs
In | Workbook: The Story of the Hebrews in Egypt
In | Oppression
In | A Rescuer Is Chosen—Birth and Rescue
In | Moses the Protector of His People
In | The Calling of Moses as Rescuer
Behind | Onsite: Rameses and Pithom in Goshen - Egyptologist Essam Zeid
Behind | Onsite: The Mighty Nile - Source of Life
Behind | Onsite: Nilometer - Egyptologist Essam Zeid
Behind | Onsite: The Nile and the Key of Life - Egyptologist Essam Zeid
Behind | Museum of the Bible: Egyptian Temple
Behind | Museum of the Bible: Pyramids Then and Now
Behind | 360 View: The Pyramids of Ancient Egypt
Behind | 360 View: Embalming and the Afterlife
Behind | Onsite: Rescuer Born Along the Nile
Behind | The Crook
Behind | Moses: Scribe and Shepherd - Passages Exhibit and Green Scholars Initiative
Behind | 360 View: The Burning Bush
In Front | Divine Choice
In Front | Workbook: God’s Choice - Case Study on Calling
In Front | Our Daily Bread: Bricks without Straw
Getting Started
Lesson TwoJudgment by Plagues (Ex 7-11)21 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Exodus 7-11
In | Workbook: Signs and Wonders
In | Judgment by Plagues
In | Workbook: Hardening a Heart
In | Heart Hardening
In | Pharaoh’s Hard Heart
In | The Purpose of the Contest
Behind | Onsite: Memphis
Behind | Onsite: Rameses and Ma'at - Egyptologist Essam Zeid
Behind | Onsite: Rameses the Great
Behind | YHWH vs. the Gods of Egypt
Behind | Egyptian Polytheism: Dr. Mariam Ayad
Behind | Workbook: YHWH vs. the Gods of Egypt
Behind | Weighing the Heart
Behind | Onsite: Aaron and the Sea Serpent
Behind | Onsite: Akhenaten's Monotheism
In Front | Hardened Hearts
In Front | Workbook: Contemporary Worldview and the God of the Exodus
In Front | Our Daily Bread: Out of Chaos
Getting Started
Lesson ThreePassover (Ex 12–13)14 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Exodus 12-13
In | Workbook: Passover Event and Liturgy
In | Passover
In | Predictions, Prophecies, Promises and Foreshadow
In | Passover Ordinance
Behind | Onsite: Samaritan Passover
Behind | Onsite: Samaritan Way of Life - Priest Husni Wasef Al Samri
In Front | Onsite: Palm Sunday Procession
In Front | Passover and the Last Supper
In Front | Passover in John's Gospel
In Front | Shepherd and Sheep
In Front | Workbook: Songs about the Blood
Getting Started
Lesson FourLiberation: Crossing the Sea (Ex 13-15)17 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Exodus 13-15
In | Workbook: Song of Moses and Miriam
In | Workbook: Deliverance at the Sea of Reeds
In | Inner-Biblical Parallels
In | Liberation as Holy War
Behind | iMap: Routes of the Exodus
Behind | Onsite: Mighty Hand and Outstretched Arm
Behind | Possible Dates for the Exodus
Behind | Possible Routes for the Exodus
Behind | Onsite: Crossing the Sea of Reeds
Behind | Music in Warfare and Worship
In Front | Christianity Today: The God of War
In Front | Miracles
In Front | Onsite: Second Exodus
In Front | Our Daily Bread: Stand or Go?
Getting Started
Lesson FiveJourney to Sinai (Ex 16-19)19 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Exodus 16-19
In | De-Creation
In | Workbook: De-Creation
In | De-Creating to Re-Create
In | Workbook: Desert Crises
In | God's Testing and Provision
In | God's Purpose and His Presence
Behind | Onsite: Waters of Chaos and New Creation - Steve Wunderick, Karnak Temple
Behind | Onsite: 70 Palms and 12 Springs
Behind | Onsite: Water from the Rock
Behind | Desert and Wilderness
Behind | Onsite: Provision, Protection and Guidance - Abu Sabah
Behind | Onsite: Prayer at Rephidim
Behind | 360 View: The Amalekites at Rephidim
In Front | Praying Like Moses in Egypt: Dr. Sameh Maurice
In Front | The Power of Prayer: Dr. Sameh Maurice
In Front | Workbook: Walking by Faith in the Wilderness
Getting Started
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Lesson 1, Activity 3
In | Workbook: Genesis 50 to Exodus 1
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
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Grab your Workbook Journal!
[Record your answers in the workbook provided at the beginning of this course.]
In this exercise, you will observe and reflect on the changes that occur from the end of Genesis to the beginning of Exodus. Read Genesis 50 to Exodus 1 and answer the prompt below.
- Detail the main events or developments in the plot of the story from Genesis 50 to Exodus 1 in bullet points or a numbered list.