Lesson 1, Activity 4

Scripture Meditation

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Spend some time carefully reading the Scripture passage below, utilizing the simple three-step method of Receive, Reflect, and Respond. Download the Course Workbook (PDF) to your device to complete these activities digitally. You may also choose to write your responses in your own journal. 

This activity supports learning objective 2.

Read 1 Peter 2:2. Then read it again. 

Receive | Retell in your own words what is happening in this text. 
What is being described? Who are the characters and what are they saying or doing? What can you learn about their context? 

Reflect | Consider how this text contributes to your understanding of the purpose of Bible study. 
What can you learn about why it is important to study God’s Word? 

Respond | Connect this text to your own experience. 
What can you relate to in this passage? How do your own experiences and context affect your reading of this passage? What can you apply in your own life?