Daniel-Micah: Studies of Integrity – Good Men in Bad Times | Our Daily Bread University
Old Testament | OT223 | (4.63)

Daniel-Micah: Studies of Integrity – Good Men in Bad Times

This course examines God's prophets, their messages, and the time in which they lived, when it was very unpopular to speak out.

God’s prophets stood up and spoke out when it was very unpopular to do so. As men with a message from God, they were preachers with a message that God-rejecting Israel and Judah wanted no part of. This course, Daniel-Micah: Studies of Integrity—Good Men in Bad Times, presents the men, their messages and their times.


Group Exercises
  1. To introduce students to survey information of the Old Testament.
  2. To help develop critical and practical aptitudes in understanding the Bible.
  3. To provide scholarly information that will help students better understand the historical and biblical context of the Old Testament.
Course Rating: 4.63
Based on 22 reviews with the most recent from 2 months ago.
  • This was a very interesting course to take. The messages these prophets delivered then are just as applicable to us today. I especially enjoyed the reminder that even with judgment, God still shows mercy.

    — Peggy, United States
  • Many, many facts given that I was not aware of. I am now far better equipped to read these books with a better understanding.

    — Johann, United States
  • This course has helped me to gain a better understanding of those books of prophets. I found the discussion questions thought-provoking, devotional, and productive. Thank you very much!

    — Mizuho, Japan
  • A great challenge.

    — Monica, United States
  • An excellent course!

    — Russell, Canada
  • This was my first time taking a course like this, so I was not sure what to expect. I liked the different ideas expressed in the commentary and the lectures. It furthered my thinking to be able to go back and re-access resources to make sure I really understood.

    — Tamra, United States
  • Love the history in the lessons. Very helpful.

    — Denise, United States
  • I enjoyed this course and learned things about the minor prophets such as Amos that I did not realize till now. Thank you so much.

    — Karla, United States
  • I didn't realize the prophets were so interesting. There was so much detail the I have never heard of before.

    — Aileen, United States
  • This course brought out a new look to some thoughts that I had about a part of this Scripture. My understanding is better for the course.

    — Donna, United States
  • It gave a great outline into understanding the Book of Daniel. What was impressive to me was Daniel's never failing Faithfulness to God. It was an interesting course that leaves me desiring to study Daniel more in depth.

    — Evon, United States
  • Good content, very insightful, and a benefit to my desire to enhance my knowledge and understanding of the scriptures.

    — Dale, United States
  • Great overview. I will pursue more studies in the minor prophets and Daniel.

    — Donald, United States
  • Another good study. I like how Ray Stedman compares the book of Daniel to Revelation in the New Testament. Also, how the other three books were sequenced chronologically.

    — Kim, United States
  • The course has been very educative to me. I am very grateful for the knowledge I have gained. Thank you so much.

    — Josephine, United States
  • The course is easy to understand. It has helped me to learn a lot that will help me with my walk with God. God bless you all for all that you do to help us in our studies. Thanks

    — Senga, United States
  • Tons of info again. Quizzes were on the easy side. Well done nonetheless.

    — Dorothy, United States
  • These smaller courses are perfect for someone new to reading the bible or a great refresher to the people that have read it before. There is always something to gain.

    — Amanda, United States
  • Very interesting, well written and easy to follow and understand.

    — Regina, United States

Course Content

Lesson One
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/6 Steps
Lesson Two
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/6 Steps
Course Wrap-Up
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/2 Steps
Disciple Level
Enrollment Options

Course Details

  • Medium Effort
  • 2 Lessons
  • 26 Min Average Lecture
  • Course Award

Course Resources

Audios Discussion Questions

Douglas K. Stuart, PhD