In this fourth course in the SoulCare series, Dr. Larry Crabb suggests ways in which SoulCare can become a reality in your life. What does it mean to join someone else where they are and walk with them on the journey to the center of their heart? Can SoulCare become a supernaturally routine reality in our communities? These questions and more are discussed in this final course in the SoulCare series.
- Explore ways in which SoulCare can become a routine reality in his/her life and in our communities.
- Feel encouraged to actually join another person on their journey home.
This course is very valuable in guiding you beyond the many skill sets that can be provided in this arena. It teaches the actuality of power is the Holy Spirit. The true work of Soul Care is done by the Creator of Souls. Our participation in that process is in learning how to be an available open vessel. Our offering to another Soul is making an environment of welcome that introduces safety and peace, so that the Holy Spirit has a space to work. It is not a skill set, but rather listening for how and when to use, or not use, the skill sets we have, and to listen to the Spirit in order to allow that space for the supernatural work of God.
If you are considering walking alongside others in your church family through sorrow and sin areas, I would highly recommend Dr. Crabb's Soul Care courses. They will be indespensible resources for me for years to come and I have learned so very much about how to lean into God more and grown my own appetite for God that surpasses all appetites and makes demands desires and desires seconds, and so I am able to help others learn this as well. I pray you will enjoy this course as much as I have.
Thank you ODBU for choosing this study as one of your courses - when I looked at it from the starting line it seemed incredibly daunting, and it was - I am grateful now to have endured and learned this material.
I have thoroughly loved Larry Crabb's desire for deep relating among believers as a way to be transformed to be like Jesus.
I learned so much from the Soul Care course. Dr Crabb is an excellent teacher. I understand the lessons. It taught me a lot about myself as well as what Soul Care is.
Absolutely life-changing!!! Thank you Dr. Crabb.
This has been another fascinating course. I am grateful it is available at so little cost, and yet is so detailed and challenging. I have enjoyed the activities as they force me to think carefully about what I learn in the video lectures. Thank you Dr Crabb and the team behind the Our Daily Bread University presentation.
It has been such a good experience to work through this course. It took me over a year, but I definitely enjoyed the teaching!
I have learned a lot. I pray to be able to apply my knowledge as I relate to people. I am grateful to God for this opportunity. God bless Our Daily Bread Ministry and the visionary of this School.
Excellent.....this is the best example of life on life discipleship---a deep intentional soul caring where souls unite for the purpose of drawing nearer to God through the Spirit.
The SoulCare ideas and concepts presented in this course were both intriguing and inspiring. I have already recommended it to one person and am using some of the techniques to improve spiritual friendship. I am motivated by the ultimate goal to be spurred and spur others to a closer relationship with God. A big thank you to Dr. Crabb and ODBU!
Excellent material by Dr. Crabb. This teaching is so important for the Church today and I know no other source than Dr. Crabb.
very good course
I am sure I am repeating myself from the previous course comments but, I so enjoy hearing what the Heart of God has put on the heart of Larry. To some it might seem unorthodox, but I love his freshness and the risk he takes in "speaking outside of the box". His teaching and life-lived examples are so freeing and encouraging to me and many others. I am blessed to have "strumbled upon" OBDU. PTL.
I have been VERY personally blessed as a Christian taking the Soul Care course. My earnest hope and desire is to be used of God in exceptional ways to encourage the Bonds of Christ, Encourage Fellow-Believers in the Truth (God), the Word (Jesus) and the Spirit. Being used of God is PARAMOUNT to my life as a Christian. To Arouse and Encourage and Challenge other Christians in their walk for Christ and to have them "Each One - Reach One" as the Community of Saints Grow and Have an On-Fire Appetite FOR GOD AND TO LET THEIR LIGHT SHINE FOR THE LOST SO MANY MORE WILL BE SAVED! I GIVE ALL GLORY TO GOD FOR OUR DAILY BREAD UNIVERSITY AND THIS EXCEPTIONAL SOULCARE CLASS AND DR. CRABB AS THE TEACHER. I WILL BE FOREVER BLESSED AND HOPE TO FOREVER BE USED AS A BLESSING TO ALMIGHTY GOD THROUGH WHAT I HAVE LEARNED IN IT. MY HOPE IS SOLIDIFIED, MY WAY ENLIGHTENED AND MY FAITH HAS GROWN LEAPS AND BOUNDS FROM THIS CLASS! GRATEFUL AND BLESSED, ANNIE CLARK
A difficult and complex course for me.
I thoroughly enjoyed this course and look forward to seeing how God will use this information to guide me in life and how to relate better to people, specifically those in my sphere of influence.
Dr. Larry Crabb did a fantastic job in presenting and outlining the way of true Soulcare. His passion for Christ, the Bible, and others really shone through. I was also impressed in the format that was presented and how well Our Daily Bread University presented the course. Top-notch in every way.
Loved taking all four courses and I learned so much.
A very helpful course and much to mediate on and put into practice.
Overall, I found the material very helpful. Since I also discussed the material in a group setting, along with others in my church who were taking this course, I was able to grasp the material in a greater way. Sometimes, though, the discussion questions from Dr. Crabb were a bit confusing, and it would have been nice to only have to redo the questions on the quiz that I got wrong instead of having to take the whole quiz over.
It has been a personal journey. Dr. Crabb has given me reasons to listen and let the Spirit do the work with great anticipation in the potential of the other person to receives the grace.
Once again, very enlightening and helpful. I am so very excited to understand the power and possibilities that are available to me because of the Spirit within me and others that will move in and between to draw us closer to Him. Thank you!!!
Absolutely loved this course and loved the practical applications alongside the Biblical foundation. Very exciting and inspiring. So thankful for Larry Crabb.
This course is amazing; a rich resource to help Christians to live and enjoy deeper relationships in the church setting.
I am really enjoying and getting a better understanding of what it means to actually stir someone's soul toward wanting to know God through loving them the way God loves us, which is unconditionally.
Dr. Crabb does a great job of developing the course in a way that makes it easier to understand how it works. In all of his courses, this is the case. It is very thorough and comprehensive. I learned a lot about the greatness of God and His will for us. Also, the influence of Jesus and the new covenant.
My spiritual eyes are awakened!!
A very uplifting curriculum which has encouraged me in my own relationship with God, as well as in my desire to love others better. I believe this course teaches spiritual truth in practical ways which foster spiritual growth and courage.
I have enjoyed this course and the way Dr. Crabb has brought everything together.
Learned a lot
Very helpful in helping others with everyday life issues and assisting me with my everyday life issues as well!
This course has been very interesting and helpful, and it leaves me longing to be part of God's work in moving the church towards becoming a more effective soul-care community.
Course was great!!
Very good teaching
Very interesting
I appreciated exploring the differences between Spiritual director vs spiritual friend. I really appreciated getting a glimpse into how Dr. Crabb meets with a group of believers to spur one another on. Excellent lectures thank you so much
I loved the course and am so thankful for the opportunity to have taken it. Thank you, Dr. Crabb, for your insight and willingness to teach others! I pray my life will be a reflection of all you've taught here.
This course made me to think deeply about how I am living my life and how I should live it if I must make heaven. Before now I had a notion of heaven and life after death but this course has sharpened that. It has given me a new paradigme as per the entire question of the "hereafter". I bless God for this discovery.
Blessings Dr. Crabb, I am SO VERY Thankful for your depth of insight & understanding in desiring above all else to glorify God & His Faithfulness as we draw near to Him! I prayfully look forward to presenting SoulCare to our Church for it is SO DEEPLY needed! I look forward to continued studies @ Our Daily Bread University & Thank you again for this Wonderful Labor of Love for God & His people!!!
I gained more knowledge of SoulCare.
This section is just as informative as the others and this entire course is awesome. I have learned a lot and things said in this entire course have confirmed to me that I was actually in line with His Spirit as I have counseled with others in the past.
This was an in-depth course and I learned a lot. Through the course, and I'm not yet finished but ... I felt God was searching my heart and caused me to see myself in a different perspective. It has brought more peace to my soul, and understanding more about God, myself and especially my wandering daughter. It has helped me to understand other people better. I have felt like I have gone through many weeks of SoulCare and have come to gain wisdom in how much God loves us. Everyone needs a spiritual friend and I'm glad God has blessed me with many. SoulCare involves more than I realized and I have learned what it truly means.
This course was my "small group" for the last year. It provided a place of growth, stimulation, learning, encouragement, hope. I greatly appreciated Dr. Crabb's teaching style and also the ability to download a written format as I learn best from reading. This course shines a light on what I believe has been missing within our churches and possibly a large reason for the lack of interest people have in committing to a physical church in this 21st century. I am so grateful for what has been deposited into my soul through this course.
I thank God for this course because it is a continuous reminder of the daily conversations that we engage in on a daily basis.
Well this was good! But challenging...and enlightening. Thank you for stretching my brain to learn more.