Jeremiah-Ezekiel: Human Failure and Divine Success – A Study in Contrast

Examine the prophets whose ministry connected to Jerusalem's fall to the Babylonians, the study of a threat in Jeremiah and a historical event in Ezekiel.


In this course, Jeremiah-Ezekiel: Human Failure and Divine Success—A Study in Contrasts, students will learn about two prophets whose ministry related to Jerusalem’s fall to the Babylonians. This unthinkable event—that the city where God lived in His temple could be destroyed—is studied as a threat in Jeremiah and as a historical reality in Ezekiel. Both the miserable failure of God’s people and God’s success in judging and yet preserving His people are surveyed in this course that studies these two prophets.


Group Exercises
  1. To introduce students to survey information of the Old Testament.
  2. To help develop critical and practical aptitudes in understanding the Bible.
  3. To provide scholarly information that will help students better understand the historical and biblical context of the Old Testament.
  • This was an in-depth course that helped fill in knowledge gaps for me.

    — Barbara, United States
  • Very historical view of the Bible

    — Esosa, United States
  • Dr Stuart has presented an excellent introduction to two major prophets, giving good summaries of the main ideas in each segment of each book, as well as the overarching themes found throughout each book. I must salute him for condensing so much information on the Old Testament canon into a single lecture, which incidentally is the toughest in this course. Nevertheless, one can master much of this excursus if one puts in effort to revise carefully. A course to be highly recommended.

    — Weng Yuen, Singapore
  • Very good content

    — Kevin, United States
  • Another challenge to me, which is good. I learned a great deal.

    — Sidney, United States
  • An excellent course!

    — Russell, Canada
  • This has been a very informative course, and I have enjoyed all of it. Thank you so much.

    — Karla, United States
  • Very good content, and some great insights. I particularly enjoyed this course because it featured two of my favorite prophets and the third lesson on the Old Testament Canon.

    — Dale, United States
  • Good history. Good overview.

    — Donald, United States
  • I was impressed by the third lesson on the Canonicity of the Bible. I learned a lot from this lesson. Again, the commentary by Ray Stedman was very helpful.

    — Kim, United States
  • The prophets are so interesting. I'd like to go in depth sometime. The various perspectives explained here were informative.

    — Dorothy, United States
  • Good basic review and very good information on the Canon - I learned a lot in this unit.

    — Kathleen, United States
  • Another engaging course. Thank you.

    — Pamela, United States

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Course Details

  • Medium Effort
  • 3 Lessons
  • 26 Min Average Lecture
  • 1.35 CEUs
  • Course Award

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Douglas K. Stuart, PhD