Finding the Plot: A Primer for Youth Workers – Introduction Videos
In The Beginning
The big question being asked today is, Does God really exist? He not only exists, but He also wants to be engaged in your life.
You can also view or download the introduction transcript here.
Our Saving Faith
The gospel message is the only message that carries the full power of God. You are created in God’s image, but your dignity was damaged by sin. The gospel brings hope and life change. God transforms your life and restores your dignity.
You can also view or download the introduction transcript here.
The Basics of Our Faith
The Bible is God’s love letter for you. More importantly the Bible is the foundation of faith and God’s authoritative word. This will inform how you think and live and what you do.
You can also view or download the introduction transcript here.
Growing in the Faith
What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? How do you study the Bible and grow in your faith in Jesus Christ? What is the cost to following Jesus?
You can also view or download the introduction transcript here.
Living out Our Faith
God has a dream for you—to walk the Christian life. How do you live out your faith in your everyday life? Christianity is a practical faith and fits into your life by the choices you make every day and by allowing God to work in you as you change to become more like Him.
You can also view or download the introduction transcript here.
Defending Our Faith
How do you respond to someone who questions your faith and beliefs? With a gentle conversation. You can be humble but bold. You can help them know they’re searching for God, and that you have the answer in Jesus Christ.
You can also view or download the introduction transcript here.