
A Chapel for Memory and Worship – The Church of St. Lazarus in BethanyNow that we’ve visited the tomb of Lazarus, let’s go to the chapel where countless...
A Greater Righteousness – Jesus and the Sermon on the MountEmbark on a transformative journey with "A Greater Righteousness – Jesus and the Sermon on...
A Ministry of Reconciliation: Dr. Salim MunayerPaul understood his calling as a "ministry of reconciliation" (2 Corinthians 5:18). Let's join an...
A Name in the Tree of Life – Steve WunderinkSteve Wunderink explores the profound symbolism of the Tree of Life as depicted in the...
A Threatened King – Herod’s Palace Outside BethlehemThe video delves into the historical context of Herod's reign, highlighting his architectural prowess and...
A Way for the Lord – A Walk Along the Jordan: Rev. J. BodinLet’s visit a place where we can picture the “way of the LORD in the...
Aaron and the Sea SerpentHere’s one last piece of background that may shed surprising light on God’s confrontation with...
Akhenaten’s OathsWe have looked at Hammurabi’s Law Code as background for the commandments in the Torah....
Alive Again! – Leaving the Tomb with LazarusThe last sign in the Book of Signs is the resurrection of Lazarus. How would...
Amarna Tablets – Hapiru for Hebrew?Evidence for the conquest comes from many sources. In this video we’ll take you to...

Interactive Media

A Map of RebellionLearn about key biblical events of rebellion against God. Gain insight into the consequences of...
Assyrian InvasionExplore the pivotal events of the Assyrian invasion with "Assyrian Invasion," an interactive media resource...
Babylonian InvasionExplore the pivotal events of the Babylonian invasion with this interactive resource from Bible Journey...
Cats and MiceExplore the shifting dynamics of ancient empires with "Cats and Mice," an interactive media resource...
Context of Jesus’ Early MinistryDiscover The Context of Jesus' Early Ministry, a resource that explores the historical, cultural, and...
Deborah and GideonExplore Deborah and Gideon, a resource that provides insight into the leadership and faith of...
Exile and ReturnThis resource that examines the pivotal period of Israel’s exile and restoration. Gain insight into...
First Missionary Journey of Paul and CompanionsExplore Paul’s groundbreaking journey to spread the gospel. Gain insight into the challenges, encounters, and...
Galilee in Jesus’ DayExamine the cultural, historical, and geographical context of Galilee during Jesus’ ministry. Gain deeper insight...
Herod’s Building ProjectsInvestigate the architectural achievements of Herod the Great and their historical and cultural significance. Gain...