Learning Library
A Chapel for Memory and Worship – The Church of St. Lazarus in BethanyNow that we’ve visited the tomb of Lazarus, let’s go to the chapel where countless...
A Greater Righteousness – Jesus and the Sermon on the MountEmbark on a transformative journey with "A Greater Righteousness – Jesus and the Sermon on...
A Ministry of Reconciliation: Dr. Salim MunayerPaul understood his calling as a "ministry of reconciliation" (2 Corinthians 5:18). Let's join an...
A Name in the Tree of Life – Steve WunderinkSteve Wunderink explores the profound symbolism of the Tree of Life as depicted in the...
A Threatened King – Herod’s Palace Outside BethlehemThe video delves into the historical context of Herod's reign, highlighting his architectural prowess and...
Alive Again! – Leaving the Tomb with LazarusThe last sign in the Book of Signs is the resurrection of Lazarus. How would...
Ancient SardisUse your VR goggles or scan around with your mouse to visit one of the...
At Home in a Manger – Understanding the Nativity in ContextLet’s head underneath the “living room” and see where the animals were kept.
At Home with Parables – Inside a Tradition House in TayibleLet’s revisit a traditional home to make sense of two parables—the neighbor in need and...
Bema SeatUse your VR goggles or scan around with your mouse to visit to the Bema...
1st JohnWhy should we care about 1 John? It’s five short chapters and a letter not...
A Walking Tour of the GospelsDo the words of the Bible ever just feel like words on a page? If...
In Pursuit of JesusAt some point in your life as a follower of Christ, would you say that...
It’s All about Grace (A Study on Galatians)No one wants to live in a society where anything goes. The need for law...
John Revealing Jesus Revealing GodHost of the Our Daily Bread Films "In Pursuit of..." series, Dr. Constantine Campell takes...
Paul, the Letter WriterMany Christians today imagine the apostle Paul sitting down at a desk one afternoon in...
Reading the GospelsThe word gospel means good news, and that must be taken seriously. This week, join...
The Compassion of JesusThink of someone important in your life. If you were asked to describe them with...
The Reveal: Reading RevelationWhy should we care about 1 John? It’s five short chapters and a letter not...
The Wisdom of JamesThis series of 10 conversations focuses on our need for wisdom in conflict. If the...
For This He Came: Jesus’ Journey to the CrossIn 2007, four years after LeBron James announced that he was bypassing college and going directly...
How to Read the Bible: The General EpistlesMark Strauss introduces seven letters—called general epistles—in the New Testament (James, 1 & 2 Peter,...
Knowing God Through 1 PeterIs there anything in your life worth dying for? Almost 2,000 years ago, a man...
Knowing God Through ActsChange. Sometimes it’s good. Sometimes it’s bad. Unfortunately, the bad kind of change is often...
Knowing God Through GalatiansIn this study of Paul’s letter to the Galatians, author Herb Vanderlugt offers insight to...
Knowing God Through HebrewsThe writer of Hebrews was not satisfied to regard Jesus as a great spiritual leader...
Knowing God Through RevelationAs we rush toward the year 2000, we sense an air of apprehension and expectation...
Knowing God Through RomansFreedom from the law! For 2,000 years, Paul’s letter to the Romans has proclaimed the...
Knowing God through the New TestamentWhat makes the New Testament new? What does it tell us that the Old Testament...
Knowing God Through ThessaloniansI remember a conversation I had with some friends of mine at the outset of...
Keys to Reading the GospelsExploring the Scriptures is tremendously important; it is the primary way we have of discovering...
The Sacrifice of the IncarnationI remember the day I left home for Bible college. It was filled with anticipation,...
Interactive Media
Context of Jesus’ Early MinistryDiscover The Context of Jesus' Early Ministry, a resource that explores the historical, cultural, and...
First Missionary Journey of Paul and CompanionsExplore Paul’s groundbreaking journey to spread the gospel. Gain insight into the challenges, encounters, and...
Galilee in Jesus’ DayExamine the cultural, historical, and geographical context of Galilee during Jesus’ ministry. Gain deeper insight...
Herod’s Building ProjectsInvestigate the architectural achievements of Herod the Great and their historical and cultural significance. Gain...
Jewish Centers in the Roman EmpireExamine the key cities where Jewish communities thrived during the first century. Gain insight into...
Letters and Visits on Paul’s JourneysPaul’s missionary travels and the letters he wrote to early Christian communities. Gain insight into...
Paul’s Missionary JourneysTrace Paul’s travels as he spread the gospel across the Roman Empire. Gain insight into...
The Seven Churches of RevelationLearn about the messages given to the churches in Revelation. Gain insight into their historical...
How to Read the Book of RevelationWhat is the book of Revelation really about? The end times? Doom and gloom? Or...
In Pursuit of JesusHow do people react to Jesus? How did people react to Jesus during his time...