
A Way for the Lord – A Walk Along the Jordan: Rev. J. BodinLet’s visit a place where we can picture the “way of the LORD in the...
Aaron and the Sea SerpentHere’s one last piece of background that may shed surprising light on God’s confrontation with...
Akhenaten’s OathsWe have looked at Hammurabi’s Law Code as background for the commandments in the Torah....
Amarna Tablets – Hapiru for Hebrew?Evidence for the conquest comes from many sources. In this video we’ll take you to...
Amos, Shepherd and Fig-Pricker – Ronit Maoz
An Introduction to the Patriarchal Period: Dr. Robert HomsherTo better understand the patriarchal period, let’s join archaeologist Dr. Robert Homsher, a specialist in...
Anemones and the Worship of Tammuz – Ronit Maoz
Ashkelon – One of the Five Mighty Philistine CitiesThe Philistines seek to rule the same land the Israelites believe God has given to...
Avoiding the Book of Leviticus?In Leviticus, God invites Israel to live in close proximity to His holy presence. Which...
Bedouin Honor and Hospitality – Dr. Iain PickettAnother aspect of the culture of the patriarchs is pastoralism—a traditional way of life that...


EcclesiastesWe often don't know what our expectations are until they go unmet. And then suddenly,...
How to Read the PsalmsThe Psalms are not a random collection of ancient poems, but are an intentionally organized...
Reading the Old TestamentWhat do you do with passages in the Old Testament that can be troubling? Many...
The 12 Minor ProphetsThere is a section of scripture in the Old Testament that most of us rarely...
The Gospel of RuthTraditionally, the Old Testament book of Ruth has been viewed as a love story. But...
The Wisdom Of SolomonThis series of 10 conversations takes a look at the remarkable twists and turns in...


Knowing God through ExodusExodus is history for today! It is the story of God’s ability to save us...
Knowing God through EzekielA well-known businessman recently said that in spite of all his wealth and fame he...
Knowing God through GenesisIt’s our prayer that this booklet, written by David Egner, will help you to know...
Knowing God through IsaiahTo know that someone is our friend is to be sure of his joy in...
Knowing God through ProverbsWisdom, according to Solomon, is the all-important goal in life. He said, “Happy is the...
Knowing God Through The Old TestamentEvery person who truly wants to know God must read the Old Testament. Its 39...
Knowing God through ZechariahLife on planet earth is fragile. We live every day under the threat of catastrophic...
Old Testament Books and ErasExplore the timeline of Old Testament events with the OTB Chronology resource. This guide offers...
The Call of Wisdom: Insight from the Book of Proverbs“Wisdom, as described throughout the book of Proverbs, is about making wise decisions in the...
The Minor Prophets“God is concerned about more than just his people. Indeed, his plan had always been...

Interactive Media

A Map of RebellionLearn about key biblical events of rebellion against God. Gain insight into the consequences of...
Assyrian InvasionExplore the pivotal events of the Assyrian invasion with "Assyrian Invasion," an interactive media resource...
Babylonian InvasionExplore the pivotal events of the Babylonian invasion with this interactive resource from Bible Journey...
Cats and MiceExplore the shifting dynamics of ancient empires with "Cats and Mice," an interactive media resource...
Deborah and GideonExplore Deborah and Gideon, a resource that provides insight into the leadership and faith of...
Exile and ReturnThis resource that examines the pivotal period of Israel’s exile and restoration. Gain insight into...
Jonah’s JourneyJonah is a prophet from Ephraim who declared that God would expand Israel’s borders. This...
Journeys of the PatriarchsNow that we’ve had a chance to join Abraham, Isaac and Jacob on their journey...
Obadiah’s GeographyDig into the geographical context of the book of Obadiah. Gain insight into the lands...
Places in AmosInvestigate the geographical locations mentioned in the book of Amos. Gain insight into their historical...

Reading Plan

Old Testament BasicsThis study of the Old Testament will help you understand how all the stories fit...