Learning Library
Book of Acts Summary: A Complete Animated Overview, Part 1Watch our overview video on the book of Acts, which breaks down the literary design...
Book of Acts Summary: A Complete Animated Overview, Part 2Watch our overview video on the book of Acts, which breaks down the literary design...
Dreams and Visions Today: Pastor Manochehr Hosseinzadeh
Miracles in the Middle East Today: Pastor Sameh and Nader MauriceChristians may try to answer the "prescriptive or descriptive" question from their own experience. While...
The Apostle Paul: Acts 8-12Our video on Acts 8-12 explores how God’s Spirit transformed Jesus’ followers from a small...
Knowing God Through ActsChange. Sometimes it’s good. Sometimes it’s bad. Unfortunately, the bad kind of change is often...
Understanding the Bible: The Book of ActsThe book of Acts is part two of the compelling story of Jesus and reveals...