
A Name in the Tree of Life – Steve WunderinkSteve Wunderink explores the profound symbolism of the Tree of Life as depicted in the...
Aaron and the Sea SerpentHere’s one last piece of background that may shed surprising light on God’s confrontation with...
Akhenaten’s OathsWe have looked at Hammurabi’s Law Code as background for the commandments in the Torah....
Amarna Tablets – Hapiru for Hebrew?Evidence for the conquest comes from many sources. In this video we’ll take you to...
Booths in the Wilderness – Recalling the Past, Anticipating EternityLet’s revisit the land of Egypt where “Booths” are still an agricultural commonplace today. Let’s...
Egypt, the Monster in the SeaAnother empire with hubris is Egypt. Ezekiel will use their own association with a sea...
Egyptian Polytheism: Dr. Mariam AyadPerhaps you’ve found ancient forms of polytheism primitive and unreasonable. But how would the great...
Embalming and the AfterlifeUse your VR goggles or scan around with your mouse to learn more about Egyptian...
God’s Address on Earth – Edfu Temple, Upper EgyptYou may assume that everything in Solomon’s temple was unique. A visit to an Egyptian...
Joseph in Egypt: Dr. Andrea Zaki