
A Chapel for Memory and Worship – The Church of St. Lazarus in BethanyNow that we’ve visited the tomb of Lazarus, let’s go to the chapel where countless...
A Greater Righteousness – Jesus and the Sermon on the MountEmbark on a transformative journey with "A Greater Righteousness – Jesus and the Sermon on...
Alive Again! – Leaving the Tomb with LazarusThe last sign in the Book of Signs is the resurrection of Lazarus. How would...
At Home in a Manger – Understanding the Nativity in ContextLet’s head underneath the “living room” and see where the animals were kept.
At Home with Parables – Inside a Tradition House in TayibleLet’s revisit a traditional home to make sense of two parables—the neighbor in need and...
Capernaum – The Second Home of JesusCapernaum is the northern “headquarters” of Jesus’ ministry. Let’s visit the very site where Jesus...
Chapel of the Ascension – On the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem
Crushed with Grief – With Jesus on his Last Night
Elisha the Healer – Foreshadowing the Ministry of ChristLet’s take a visit to this very village where Arab Christians honor both Elisha and...
Eyewitnesses – The Empty Tomb and the Power of the Gospel


In Pursuit of JesusAt some point in your life as a follower of Christ, would you say that...
The Compassion of JesusThink of someone important in your life. If you were asked to describe them with...
When We Pray Like JesusMost of us find prayer baffling. Sometimes even unsatisfying. At the heart of our struggle...


Jesus’ Blueprint for PrayerCommunicating with God is as important to your spiritual well-being as breathing is to your...
Signs and Wonders: Getting to the Heart of Jesus’ MiraclesIn 2006, National Geographic News reported that US and Israeli scientists had come up with a theory...
Talking with the Father: Jesus Teaches on PrayerIn Talking with My Father, Ray Stedman looks at our deep need for prayer and the...
The Compassion of JesusIn a world full of hurting and broken hearts we could use compassion. Jesus defined...

Interactive Media

Context of Jesus’ Early MinistryDiscover The Context of Jesus' Early Ministry, a resource that explores the historical, cultural, and...


In Pursuit of JesusHow do people react to Jesus? How did people react to Jesus during his time...

Reading Plan

In Pursuit of JesusJesus is one of the most talked about figures in history. Some love Him. Some...