
Daniel’s Prayer: Anne Graham LotzLet's listen to the prophetic heartbeat of evangelist and award-winning author, Anne Graham Lotz, as...
Does Prayer Really Change Anything?I wonder how often you’ve struggled with some of the prayer passages that just don’t...
Praying Like Moses in Egypt: Dr. Sameh MauriceThe image of Moses praying in the Valley of Rephidim, arms held up by Aaron...
The Aaronic BenedictionThe oldest text of the Bible found to date is a prayer from Numbers 6:24-26....
The Power of Prayer: Pastor Sameh Maurice at Kasr El-Dobara Church, CairoLet’s visit the pastor of the largest congregation in the Middle East and hear his...
What Good Does It Do To PrayEver wondered if prayer does any good at all? What good does it do to...
Why Do My Prayers Go Unanswered?Someone once said that there was no such thing as an unanswered prayer; just prayers...
Why Pray?


Doubting Our DoubtsDoubt. One thing that every person who has lived long enough has in common is...
Lord, Teach Us to PrayIt’s nice to know that when God says, “Can we talk?” it’s an invitation, not...
Praying Paul’s PrayersPaul mentioned praying for the churches he's writing to in several of his letters, but...
Spirit PrayerHow can we pray when we can’t seem to pray? When we can’t put our...
The Essence of PrayerPrayer has often been referred to as the “breath of the Christian life.” It is...
The Lord’s Prayer: Talking to the Father about the FatherDoes your church pray the Lord’s Prayer as part of its liturgy? Do you ever...
The Mercy Prayer“Lord, have mercy.” It’s the most prayed prayer in the Bible. In this series of...
The Prayer CoinMost of us find prayer baffling. Sometimes even unsatisfying. At the heart of our struggle...
When We Pray Like JesusMost of us find prayer baffling. Sometimes even unsatisfying. At the heart of our struggle...


How Can I Learn to PrayWhen Jesus’ disciples asked of Him, “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1) they were...
Jesus’ Blueprint for PrayerCommunicating with God is as important to your spiritual well-being as breathing is to your...
Let’s Pray: Talking to God with the Words of the BibleAs much as we want to talk to God, sometimes it’s difficult to find words...
Moving Mountains: The Practice of Persistent PrayerThe Bible says a lot about the need for persistence and faith in prayer, and...
Praying with Confidence: Overcoming Disappointment in PrayerHaving a conversation with God can sometimes be a struggle, especially when you feel that...
Ready. Set. Pray. 31 Days of PrayerThe Park Church's "31 Days of Prayer" is a spiritual initiative for 2024, encouraging its...
Talking with the Father: Jesus Teaches on PrayerIn Talking with My Father, Ray Stedman looks at our deep need for prayer and the...
Teach Us to PrayDraw closer to God by deepening your understanding of what Jesus taught about prayer and...


My Soul in Silence: Prayer as Listening and WaitingPrayer. To this day, simply hearing the word can evoke a wave of fear, guilt,...
Risking Prayer“Whether or not . . . you have ever dared to pray.” Mary Oliver, “Morning...
The Intimacy of Prayer: Stepping into God’s PresencePrayer is one of the basic practices of the Christian life. It is one of...
Wounded Warrior: Struggling to PrayPrayer is the one area where we can grow stronger as everything else becomes weaker....


Bible PrayersThe prayers of the Bible are honest and authentic, but can we really say those...
Questions about PrayerIs prayer more than just “talking to God?” David Frees talks with James Banks about...