Learning Library
Bedouin Honor and Hospitality – Dr. Iain PickettAnother aspect of the culture of the patriarchs is pastoralism—a traditional way of life that...
From Ruth to David to Jesus – In Bethlehem’s Shepherd’s FieldsIt wasn’t that long ago that we were in the fields of Bethlehem with Ruth...
Madaba Sheep Market – Dr. Iain Pickett
Provision, Protection and Guidance – Abu SabahTo understand more fully how God was leading Israel as a shepherd, let’s revisit the Bedouin...
Shepherd’s FoldLet’s use a different means to more fully appreciate how Jesus fulfilled Old Testament expectations....
What Does It Take to Be a Shepherd?“If you have the heart, you can begin tomorrow.” This was a Bedouin shepherd’s response...
The Good Shepherd: 40 Biblical Insights on Leading and Being LedWhat does a good shepherd look like? How does he or she act? How does...