Learning Library
Agape – LoveThe word “love” is one of the sloppiest words in our language, as it primarily...
God’s Name Has Changed?! (Learn Its Interesting Biblical History)Yahweh, Adonai, LORD, Jehovah... God seems to have a lot of names, what exactly am...
HopeIn the Bible people who have hope are very different from optimists! In this video,...
IniquityIniquity is a biblical word that very few people use anymore, and even fewer people...
JoyIn this video, we explore the unique type of joy to which God’s people are...
Shalom – Peace"Peace" is a very common word in English, that means different things to different people....
Shema – ListenIs hearing and listening the same thing? In this video, discover how sound entering your...
Transgression"Transgression" is one of those Bible words that seems clear until you have to explain...
We Studied “Sin” in the Bible (Here’s What We Found)The word “sin” is one of the most common bad words in the Bible, but...
What It Means to “Love” God (With All Your Heart, Soul and Strength)Let's talk about love, Old Testament style! In this video, we'll explore the various ways...