Brotherhood: 40 Success Stories and Faith Principles for Black Men in Community | Our Daily Bread University

Brotherhood: 40 Success Stories and Faith Principles for Black Men in Community

If our sons are to fulfill their God-given destinies, we must make them understand and translate for them the things that matter most.  —Colin Pinkney
Society can play a cruel role in lowering the expectations for young, Black men. But the truth is, God designed every life to be valuable and called each of us to a purpose. Everyone can live in that reality by focusing on the things that matter—faith, values, and perseverance.
This book provides a message of hope for Black men and those who love them. Forty devotional insights and personal stories written by Black men will inspire you to view life through a biblical lens knowing that your life matters and that you can grow in your God-given abilities. The authors share how they have been discipled and trained, now passing their wisdom on to others in these true stories of success, failure, and overcoming.

Purchase book from Our Daily Bread Publishing.