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The Ancient Church
Lesson OneWhy Study Church History?2 Activities
Lesson TwoThe Apostolic Fathers2 Activities
Lesson ThreeThe Apologists2 Activities
Lesson FourIrenaeus of Lyons2 Activities
Lesson FiveWestern Writers of the Third Century2 Activities
Lesson SixOrigen2 Activities
Lesson SevenThe Nicene Age (AD 325-381)2 Activities
Lesson EightArianism and the Nicene Creed2 Activities
Lesson NinePeriod Between the Councils2 Activities
Lesson TenThe Council and Creed of Constantinople2 Activities
Lesson ElevenThe Cappadocian Fathers2 Activities
Lesson TwelveAmbrose and Victorinus2 Activities
Lesson ThirteenJohn Chrysostom2 Activities
Lesson FourteenThe Antiochene Exegesis2 Activities
Lesson FifteenAugustine of Hippo2 Activities
Lesson SixteenThe Church: Hierarchy and Discipline2 Activities
Lesson SeventeenThe Church: Relations with the State2 Activities
Lesson EighteenThe Councilliar Epoch2 Activities
Lesson NineteenThe Council of Chalcedon2 Activities
Lesson TwentySocial Life before AD 3252 Activities
Lesson Twenty-OneDecline of Discipline after the Nicene Age2 Activities
Lesson Twenty-TwoSocial Life in the Church after Nicea2 Activities
Lesson Twenty-ThreeMonasticism in the Ancient Life1 Activity
Lesson Twenty-FourA Review of 500 years of Church History1 Activity
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 162
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