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The Radical Reformation

  1. Lesson One
    3 Activities
  2. Lesson Two
    Renaissance and Reformation
    3 Activities
  3. Lesson Three
    Christian Humanism
    3 Activities
  4. Lesson Four
    Luther: Resurrection of Biblical Theology
    3 Activities
  5. Lesson Five
    Zwingli: Humanist and Reformer
    3 Activities
  6. Lesson Six
    Saxony: Luther and the Radicals
    3 Activities
  7. Lesson Seven
    Zurich: Zwingli and the Radicals
    3 Activities
  8. Lesson Eight
    Waldshut: Hubmaier and Politics
    3 Activities
  9. Lesson Nine
    Radical Reformation and the Peasants’ War
    3 Activities
  10. Lesson Ten
    Establishment and Spread of the Movement
    3 Activities
  11. Lesson Eleven
    The Schleitheim Confession of 1527
    3 Activities
  12. Lesson Twelve
    The Hutterites
    3 Activities
  13. Lesson Thirteen
    The Zwickau Prophets
    3 Activities
  14. Lesson Fourteen
    Han Hut, Martin Cellarius, and Hans Denck
    3 Activities
  15. Lesson Fifteen
    Melchior Hoffman and the Munster Revolt
    3 Activities
  16. Lesson Sixteen
    Menno Simons
    3 Activities
  17. Lesson Seventeen
    Debates with the Reformers
    3 Activities
  18. Lesson Eighteen
    Internal Debates
    3 Activities
  19. Lesson Nineteen
    A Consensus Mennoniticus
    3 Activities
  20. Lesson Twenty
    Basic Theological Beliefs
    3 Activities
  21. Lesson Twenty-One
    Anabaptism and Monasticism
    3 Activities
  22. Lesson Twenty-Two
    Anabaptism and Mysticism
    3 Activities
  23. Lesson Twenty-Three
    Anabaptism and Christian Humanism
    3 Activities
  24. Lesson Twenty-Four
    Reformers: Radicals/Parable of the Tares
    3 Activities
  25. Course Wrap-Up
    Course Completion
    1 Activity
    1 Assessment
Lesson 1 of 25
In Progress
