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Lesson OneThe Letters of Revelation (Revelation 1–3)21 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Revelation 1–3
In | Revelation as a Letter
In | The Pace of Change
In | Symbols in Revelation
In | Winning by Dying
In | OT Allusions and Quotations
In | Messages to the Seven Churches
In | Threats to Life
Behind | Patmos
Behind | Onsite: Exile as a Place of Vision: The Cave of Apocalypse, Patmos Island
Behind | 360 View: Cave of the Apocalypse
Behind | 360 View: Patmos
Behind | The Seven Churches of Revelation
Behind | iMap: The Seven Churches of Revelation
Behind | 360 View: Ancient Sardis
Behind | Jesus Speaks to the Seven Churches
In Front | Onsite: The Christian Legacy of Patmos
In Front | The American Church
In Front | Revelation and the Reformation
Getting Started
Lesson TwoSymbolism (Revelation 4–13)21 Activities|3 Assessments
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Revelation 4–13
In | Symbolic Words and Phrases
In | Symbols that John Himself Defines, Part 2
In | Colors and Numbers
In | Colors in Revelation Part 2
In | Numbers in Revelation Part 2
In | The Lamb, the Lion and the Eagle
Behind | Seals, Trumpets and Horns
Behind | White Robes and More Symbols
Behind | The Plutonium and Poisonous Gas
Behind | Numerology and the Number of Man
Behind | Domitian
In Front | Symbolism: Fire and Burning
In Front | Language and Literal Realities
In Front | Embracing Images and Impressions
In Front | Certainties in Revelation
In Front | The Four Creatures and Evangelists, Part 1
In Front | Workbook: The Four Creatures and Evangelists
In Front | The Four Creatures and Evangelists Part 2
Getting Started
Lesson ThreeNew Creation (Revelation 14–22)17 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Revelation 14–22
In | An Intertextual Outline
In | New Creation in Genesis and Revelation
In | New Creation and Second Exodus
In | New Creation and New Covenant
In | Apocalyptic Themes Across the NT
In | Seven Seals and the Synoptic Gospels
In | Paradise and the Prophets
In | Workbook: Paradise and the Prophets
Behind | Babylon
Behind | The Mythology of Rome
In Front | A New Heaven and New Earth
In Front | Creation and Culture: Andy Crouch
In Front | The City and Culture: Andy Crouch
In Front | Glory of the Nations: Andy Crouch
Getting Started
Lesson FourTheology of Revelation19 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Revelation Review
In | God as Creator and Sovereign
In | Theology of the Land: Dr. Munther Isaac
In | Who Is Jesus in Revelation?
In | Workbook: Christ in Revelation
In | Christ in Revelation
In | Jesus in John and Revelation
In | Johannine Imagery
In | The Trinity in Revelation and OT
In | Revelation Approaches the End
In | Rhythms in Space and Time
In | Workbook: Names for Believers
In | Names for Believers
Behind | Accusations Against the Church
Behind | Onsite: A Name in the Tree of Life - Steve Wunderink
Behind | Signs of the End
In Front | Closer to the End
Getting Started
Lesson FiveInterpreting Revelation17 Activities|2 Assessments
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Revelation Review
In | Workbook: Revelation 1 and 22
In | Revelation 1 and 22
In | Workbook: Another Genre in the Book of Revelation
In | Old Testament Allusions, Part 2
Behind | Prophecy and Apocalyptic
Behind | Natural and Mythical Imagery
Behind | Jewish Interpretation: "PaRDeS"
In Front | Interpretive Systems
In Front | Poetic Texts and Hymns
In Front | Non-poetic Texts and Hymns
In Front | Prophetic Systems, Preoccupations
In Front | Taking an Eclectic Approach
In Front | A Call to Witness and a Promise
In Front | Being Willing Witnesses
Getting Started
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 30
Lesson 1 of 6
In Progress
The Letters of Revelation (Revelation 1–3)
Lesson Content
0% Complete
0/22 Steps