This module has a special treat for you. We’ll be looking back at some of the biggest cultural themes in the Bible … themes which surfaced in a big way in the Bible’s final books. It’s not a new idea to you that God used culture to communicate. He used literary forms and social institutions to reveal Himself.
But have you ever thought what theology would be like without this cultural fabric? Culture is actually woven into the fabric of theology! After an introduction to this dynamic, we’ll head into four key topics with a special guest.
If this is your first course in the Bible Journey curriculum, you must first visit the Journey Prep page to understand the background, history, and terminology we will use in the courses.
Workbook Journal-
An excellent course!
Dr. deSilva's lectures were particularly informative. I just wish he spoke a bit slower though because I tried to take a lot of notes but the hand holding the pen simply could not move fast enough and I got frustrated at having to pause and replay so much.