New Testament Survey II: Epistles/Revelation

In this course, we examine both the introductory issues and the basic content of the New Testament epistles and the book of Revelation.


Correct theology is inseparable from correct living. The New Testament epistles reinforce this concept as they demonstrate both the why and how of kingdom living. This course surveys the New Testament epistles and the book of Revelation, examining both the introductory issues and the basic content of each book. Students will wrestle with significant and challenging passages by exploring the major issues and then interacting with specific passages through inductive Bible study. The goal of the course is to gain an increased commitment to and capacity for applying these portions of God’s Word to the world and Christian living today.

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Discover the vintage value and relevance of these classic courses. Our instructors provide new insights into your faith through a variety of subjects. We acquired many of these courses from the Institute of Theological Studies (ITS). From ITS’s world-class professors, you'll gain seminary-level instruction.


Study Guide
  1. Exhibit an understanding of the contents of the biblical books studied, including identification of each book’s outlines, chronology of events, major teachings, sequence of topics, and most theologically significant chapters.
  2. Summarize the most important items of historical background for each book studied.
  3. Understand and evaluate the major critical views concerning introductory questions (i.e., authorship, date, settings, etc.) for each book.
  4. Appreciate the complexities of the more exegetically and theologically controversial passages surveyed (a) by discussion of the major held views and arguments for each, and (b) by wrestling with one such passage through an inductive Bible study.
  5. Identify key issues addressed in the epistles to various frst-century congregations.
  6. Be encouraged to persevere in your faith even in light of trials and persecution.
  7. Look forward to the second coming of Jesus Christ to bring to conclusion His plan for human history.
  8. Apply these portions of God’s Word in a fair and relevant manner to the world and to Christian living today.
  • This is a wonderful, insightful, as well as educational course! I have learned so much. I enjoyed the learning of new vocabulary as well as terms described in theological circles for various sections of Biblical Scripture. Thank you to Dr. Blomberg for sharing this course with ODBU!

    — Sheryl, United States
  • Worth the Subscription

    — Rodney, United States
  • Super helpful in understanding the history and comparisons of the people groups.

    — Evelyn, United States
  • The organization of lectures in strictly 45 minute segments led to multiple confusing and irritating breaks in the study of books. I would have preferred irregular length segments in order to group all information about a particular book in one lecture. Likewise, I felt that the quizzes disproportionately focused on location (chapter and verse addressed) vs content of the various books. They seemed more focused on proving you know where something was than what something was.

    — Leesha, United States
  • I enjoyed this course. It allowed me to learn about the Epistles!

    — George, United States
  • I really appreciated the perspectives Dr. Bloomberg brought over many themes such as books we studied. I had several assumptions on theological points I understood before, but better now with the perspective Dr. Bloomberg added. Great course!

    — Martin, United States
  • Excellent studies . Excellent material

    — Donald, United States
  • A decent asynchronous online course. I was able to reach out and ask questions when needed, too. The questions did not seem to be written by the lecturer, and sometimes seemed to place a different emphasis on aspects than Dr Bloomberg? Thanks, this course was inspiring and illuminating in encouraging me to more intensely reread the NT letters!

    — Keith, United States
  • I learned a lot about the history and culture of the New Testament. It really helped me to understand some previously confusing passages.

    — Meagan, United States
  • A very good, comprehensive course.

    — Russell, United States

Course Content

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Lesson Twenty-Four
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Course Wrap-Up
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Course Details

  • High Effort
  • 24 Lessons
  • 44 Min Average Lecture
  • Course Award

Course Resources

Audios Transcripts Outlines

Craig L. Blomberg, PhD

Course Provider


Course content is provided courtesy of Institute of Theological Studies (ITS).