Genesis-Leviticus: God Builds a People for Himself | Our Daily Bread University
Old Testament | OT216 | (4.66)

Genesis-Leviticus: God Builds a People for Himself

This course examines how God built a nation to represent Him on earth, starting with the creation of all things and ending with Israel's creation at Sinai.

Genesis – Leviticus: God Builds a People for Himself tells the story of Israel’s roots. From the creation of all things to the creation of Israel as a nation at Sinai, this course studies God’s process of building a nation to represent Him on earth. It is the foundation for understanding the struggles and triumphs of the relationship between God and Israel that is recorded in the rest of the Old Testament books.


Group Exercises
  1. To introduce students to survey information of the Old Testament.
  2. To help develop critical and practical aptitudes in understanding the Bible.
  3. To provide scholarly information that will help students better understand the historical and biblical context of the Old Testament.
Course Rating: 4.66
Based on 40 reviews with the most recent from 6 months ago.
  • Well-prepared notes and lectures and easy to navigate.

    — John, United States
  • These are good courses for people who are new to understanding the Bible and may not have read through it yet.

    — Elaine, Canada
  • Excellent reading

    — Esosa, United States
  • Because of the pathways that these courses of biblical studies of the Bible has taken me on, it has allowed me to develop a love for the Scriptures within this pathway. I was questioning God in terms of which way He wanted me to go in terms of biblical studies of the Bible, doctrine, history and so forth. This pathway has and is allowing my answer to come. It is not easy by any means; however, it is taking on a trajectory that will lead to other insightful, meaningful, productive and prosperous avenues that I have only yet to continue towards venturing and remaining within. I thank you kindly for a platform that supports that.

    — Darlene, United States
  • Great course

    — Gerald, United States
  • This is a concise and good introduction to the first three books of the Old Testament. Though succinct, it is in no way shallow. The major contents, and especially the themes or purpose, have been clearly explained. The extra readings on Ray Stedman's "Adventuring through the Bible" are equally good. I like especially the outlines there that help me to remember what each book is about. Definitely to be recommended.

    — Weng Yuen, Singapore
  • Simple but enlightening.

    — Samuel, Nigeria
  • I enjoyed the course thoroughly, learned some new things and was reminded of what I had forgotten. I knew the Lord was leading me to learn and study more of the Word. I am glad I stumbled across Our Daily Bread University, for cost and the ability to study on my schedule. Thank you to all behind Our Daily Bread University. Kim

    — Kim, Canada
  • This course helped me better understand Leviticus and though Genesis to Leviticus is divided by books they flow together.

    — Chet
  • Good job overall for a basic foundation.

    — Phillip, United States
  • Very broad strokes. Accurate, not colorful.

    — Benjamin, United States
  • An excellent course!

    — Russell, Canada
  • I really enjoy learning about the Old Testament and I enjoyed the course albeit short. I will definitely take more courses along this line Thank you and bless you

    — Sidney, United States
  • Astounding information placement!

    — Wesley, United States
  • Dr. Stuart provides a thought-provoking lesson. Enjoyable and educational.

    — Carol, United States
  • The lectures gave insight to the books. Very comprehensive.

    — Phyllis, United States
  • I really like these courses, it's in some ways a refreshment, and a reflection how my relationship is with Jesus Christ.

    — Jetty, United States
  • I learned some new things about how God went about setting up his nation.

    — Phyllis, United States
  • I now have a clearer understanding of the first three books of the Bible.

    — Chanda, United States
  • I have really enjoyed participating in this course... The part where we have to write our answers to the questions really challenged me to think about what I had read and learned and put my thoughts into words concerning it. I will remember specific things I learned, that I had read in scriptures before... but now has a better meaning and elements of it that will stick with me forever from the quizzes. Thank you so much, and I look forward to participating in your other courses. God Bless.

    — Karla, United States
  • I loved this course!

    — Alisha, United States
  • Very interesting and easy to understand. This is such an excellent way of summarizing the first 3 books of the Bible.

    — Danvy, United States
  • Very concise and was an encouragement for me to know more and read more of Genesis, Exodus and Leviticus.

    — Joyce, United States
  • Good information - this will be helpful for me to teach my students aspects of the Old Testament in an interesting and applicable way.

    — Stephanie, United States
  • Excellent material, very clear and easy to learn.

    — Ruben, United States
  • The course was very interesting. I have read the entire Bible at least three times and this goes into extra information that I did not get upon reading the other times, a different perspective. I do all of the reading and taking the other courses has helped me look for what I had not before.

    — Donna, United States
  • Loved the course. Very informative.

    — Rick, United States
  • Very well presented. Even though I have studied these books often, I did learn a great deal.

    — Karin, United States
  • Very good course!

    — Pedro, United States
  • I feel like I have a much better understanding of the first three books of the bible I think it is very important to understand the old testament for a better understanding of the new.

    — Robert, United States
  • Good basic content and valuable insights.

    — Donald, United States
  • An excellent summary of Genesis, Exodus and Leviticus.

    — Kim, United States
  • A good overview of a vast amount of Scripture.

    — Glen, United States
  • It was really great as it helped me to understand the course I've been taking which is Messianic Prophecy. It helped me to better understand Gods ways with the Israelites and His Sovereign plan for His people. I like the quizzes because it helps me to see first hand how much I learned in the reading and overall course. It was a blessing as is the scripture when we study it.

    — Evon, United States
  • Insightful and helpful

    — Dale, United States
  • Lesson and content was very interesting and informative.

    — Sheryl, United States
  • This course expanded my understand of Genesis and why His law [was] given to [the] Israelites. Now I understand that we all belong to Him . . . for eternity.

    — Masayoshi, United States
  • This is a great course. Thumbs up to the organizers.

    — Stephen, United States
  • I thought the course was very good. I appreciate you offering these courses to meet my CEU requirements and will recommend them to others at my school.

    — Shannon, United States
  • This course encouraged us to take a detailed look into Creation and remind ourselves that we can be blessed or cursed, based on our actions. It reminds us of the call to Godly living and challenged our thinking to do better. It reminds us, that God is just and He sets forth the examples thru parables, & scriptures for Holy living. Great course. Insightful and detailed. I am elated and grateful for tis info.

    — K Genesis, United States
  • Awesome introduction to the first chapter of the Holy Bible. Informative and factual.

    — Kimberly, United States
  • It was great to challenge my knowledge on those 3 Books of The Bible....

    — Sebrina, United States
  • Course very informative

    — Cassanya, United States
  • Good challenges - we need to learn what we don't know. It helped me.

    — Joyce, United States
  • I see how important it is to meditate and study, because this course was very challenging.

    — Bridgette, United States
  • I learned a lot from this panel of lessons. It was a great read and I enjoyed it.

    — Laura, United States
  • Overall the information provided was very helpful in my learning.

    — Ursula, United States
  • Very informative

    — Delores, United States
  • Dr. Stuart provided lessons of Genesis, Exodus and Leviticus in a very easy-to-read format and provided a synopsis of each chapter in layman's terms that made the information easier to comprehend.

    — Pamela, United States
  • Lessons were very interesting, point driven and quizzes and exams related to what I learned from the lessons.

    — Rosa, United States

Course Content

Lesson One
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/6 Steps
Lesson Two
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/6 Steps
Lesson Three
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/6 Steps
Course Wrap-Up
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/2 Steps
Disciple Level
Enrollment Options

Course Details

  • Medium Effort
  • 3 Lessons
  • 26 Min Average Lecture
  • Course Award

Course Resources

Audios Discussion Questions

Douglas K. Stuart, PhD