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  • I am taking this course as an unmarried individual-but I found its insight very helpful. My goal when communicating with my significant other is trying to understand his point of view yet wanting him to know where I am coming from. I hope moving forward in future conversations I can focus on the process and trust that God is mighty in maintaining a relationship that is glorifying to Him.

  • I agree that forgiveness is a gift. We do not share it with others as we should. We submit it to God, then just assume the relationship will not be impacted by such decision. When one person goes to another in confidence-it brings healing and restoration, bringing those individuals closer. Yes, there are times when the other will not accept such proposition, but knowing that you have done your part can really alleviate a burden. Being honest with others about how we’ve been hurt is also helpful. It is not easy and at times may be uncomfortable, but it shows how we love each other by presenting our vulnerability and recognizing the mistakes made.
    The second part of that statement is significant as it highlights the work on Jesus Christ-the ultimate sacrifice for us. I like how it was phrased ‘modeled perfectly’ because it shows the obedience of such action. As a Canadian, I am more prone to say sorry about almost anything, but it serves as a reminder that I need to be genuine about using such word. Repenting every day to our Saviour allows us to be sensitive-in how we treat others and we are so blessed to serve a living King who has so much love and forgiveness. The demonstration of His love is resounding.
    To conclude, the verse that comes to mind with this topic is 1 John 4:19 “We love because he first loved us.”

  • Although I have not read any of the chapters in the book to have any comparison, I will try to defend this point anyways. Confession is important as it shows us how really weak and vulnerable we are. Spiritual attack is all around, and the enemy is seeking to defeat us. If we follow through with confessing our sins daily-it reminds us of the cleansing we need and provides a healthy guilt that motivates us to live a more pure and holy life. Being human is not an excuse to sin purposefully. God’s grace is more than sufficient but is not at all meant to be misused. He allows suffering to build our perseverance and draw us closer to Him. I believe confession is a good starting point in making change and trying not to fall into patterns that have caused us pain. Grieving for our sins as believers is what should happen and should be the reaction, but once we learn we adapt and find ways to deal with temptations that come our way. God always provides a means of escape and there is so much victory in overcoming such obstacles. Instead of giving in, we should look up-being in prayer and removing ourselves from such situations. I know I am so grateful for the outpouring of His grace, mercy and forgiveness that He so willingly and faithfully provides. One last point I would like to make is to highlight how confessing results in transformation, humility, insight, compassion, grace, gratitude, love and forgiveness (as outlined in the video). We will be known as Christians by our display of love towards others. We always need to examine ourselves and to live our lives to the glory of God.

  • Prayer is most definitely important. Being humble and realizing our own brokenness as referred to in the video will allow us to show compassion. Reading the Bible and acting on convictions will aid the growth and continuing relationship with our Savior.

  • Some resources that have been helpful for me include books and videos that speak on different topics from reliable teachers of the Bible. Fellowship with other believers and being involved in a Bible study is also important in understanding what the Bible has to say. A personal relationship with Christ is the most significant. Continuing to read it and asking for wisdom along the way to navigate in life is helpful. Bible dictionaries and commentaries may help clarify meanings. A study Bible may provide additional insight that may help us grow spiritually as well.

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