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  • I truly enjoyed the diagram that was displayed to illustrate the point of moving below the waterline. I believe that the reframing model is significant to consider as it allows the person to be reflective of his or her circumstances and the actions that were taken. It was helpful when Dr. Crabb had indicated that our initial response should be to THINK VISION. To already place this individual in a better spot by picturing him or her as solid, anchored and deep. By asking the simple questions it provides an opportunity to reframe the question to move toward various periods of time that will help them understand the action that was taken in the moment. Such shift shows the individual and highlights the need for having a relationship with Christ. It can show patterns of behavior that been recurring and it can also show how it has impacted our relationships with others. All in all, it is an honor when someone can share his or her experiences by creating a safe place and allowing the Spirit to move.

  • I had a discussion with a dear friend. I was pleased to spend time with her and she had mentioned she wanted to be more involved in church. She was grateful for the invitation that was extended to her. We both realized that having a relationship with Christ should always come first. It is so easy to be distracted, but a prayer for both of us was to have a thirst for the Word, and have the ability to practice gentleness and kindness and truly love our neighbors as ourselves. It is very easy to speak about, but we were encouraging each other to take practical actions to this principle. We ended in prayer and it was a blessed time to share. The vision and hope that I know to be vital is seeking after His kingdom. Spiritual warfare is raging and we need to equip ourselves in armor against the enemies’ flaming arrows.

  • Considering the three don’t that were covered in this lesson I find myself offering support. The reason for taking such approach is that I want the individual to know and feel that I have listened to the problem and trying to show them how much I care by taking action. Asking to pray with them, or asking how else I can help has been the path taken, but with this lesson have understood the reasoning why such method can be taken in offence. Whenever someone shares details about his or her life the goal is not to trivialize or minimize the problem he or she is experiencing which this lesson has made clear. The Do that I tend not to do as often is ask questions-I do not want the person to feel like I am prying too much. If he or she had the courage to share that much then it should be up to that individual to continue. I could correct this thinking by perhaps asking if I may continue to ask questions-out of curiosity. Not to advise but to continue to reflect upon what he or she is saying and providing that safe space.

  • Other adjectives to describe counterfeit include copied, simulated, feigned. A look-alike copy but not real. If we try to provide soul care to others but have not taken the time to assess ourselves that is what we offer. We can learn the proper lingo and techniques, but it will not go far. Remembering the ultimate sacrifice of God’s Son puts into perspective the true meaning of love. In turn, pursuing and maintaining a passionate relationship with Jesus should always be our aim. Eliminating the self-centeredness in our actions when providing SoulCare is necessary. Although not possible to completely disseminate such inclination it is helpful to be reminded of how we need God’s grace which is more than sufficient for us, everyday.

  • Yes, I am becoming more aware of the words and expressions I use to let people know they do not need to struggle alone. Looking into my interior world has humbled me and I continue to consider my own faults in the light of trying to serve a holy Savior. I have also learned to recognize how to address my inadequacies and bringing them to the Lord. Prayerfully asking for wisdom has enabled me to say the right word at the correct moment. I am so thankful that the Holy Spirit can guide, convict and encourage as I seek to live this life for His glory. It is a good reminder that no matter how old we get, we can always learn something the Bible, other believers and during trying times.

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