Sports Ministry Certificate Program | Our Daily Bread University

Sports Ministry Certificate Program


The Sports Ministry Certificate Program provides an excellent foundation in sports ministry leadership. If you are a chaplain, a local league coach, or wanting to start a sports ministry in your church, this is for you! We’ve got lectures and courses created by sports ministry professionals working all across North America.

Better yet, these courses will equip you to deepen relationships, hone your leadership abilities, and seize opportunities to point people to the Champion of souls. 

In this program, you’ll cover fifteen sports-specific ministry topics in seventeen short lessons, as well as seven other foundational courses. For each of these, you will earn a certificate of completion. Learn at your own pace. Take as many as you like or complete them all for the Sports Ministry Certificate. 

In addition, you’ll also gain access to over two hundred other courses included in your subscription.

Courses in this program

  • Old Testament Basics
  • Spiritual Life Basics
  • New Testament Basics
  • Bible Study Basics
  • Theology Basics
  • Group Dynamics
  • Apologetics Basics
  • Introduction to Sports Ministry
  • Ministering to Athletes and Their Families
  • Discipleship in Sports Ministry


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  1. Purchase a subscription to Our Daily Bread University by clicking here. Be sure to select “Sports Ministry” as your organization at checkout.
  2. Click on “Dashboard” from the home screen and scroll down to find a link to the courses.

Premium Subscriber

  1. To begin this program, click here.
  2. Click “Begin Learning Path.”


Introduction to Sports Ministry

By taking this course, you will learn how to effectively minister to people from a wide range of cultures, backgrounds, beliefs, and knowledge.


Colin Pinkney
Charlotte Hornets, Team Chaplain and Life Coach

Brian Smith
Athletes in Action, Local Team Leader and Digital Strategist

Jeff Totten
Detroit Tigers, Chapel Leader

Marc Porpilia
Hockey Ministries International, Chaplain

Roger Lipe
Nations of Coaches, Character Coach Director


Ministering to Athletes and Their Families

You will learn how to develop relationships with athletes and their families effectively by taking this course, as well as how to support in times of crisis.


Lori Krueger
National Women’s Soccer League, Volunteer Coordinator for NWSL chaplains

George Gregory
Los Angeles Chargers, NFL Chaplain

Tondra Gregory
Los Angeles Chargers, NFL Chaplain

Billy Mauldin
Motor Racing Outreach, President and Senior Chaplain

Roger Lipe
Nations of Coaches, Character Coach Director


Discipleship in Sports Ministry

This course explores how to incorporate discipleship into your ministry as you identify and address unique challenges.


Mickey Weston
Unlimited Potential, Inc., Executive Director

Tom Roy
Shepherd Coach Network, President

Jeff Totten
Detroit Tigers, Chapel Leader

Fleceia Comeaux
Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Minister