Give, Save, and Spend - Financial Discipleship Study
Lesson OneStarting Well9 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson TwoCounsel, Debt and Saving9 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson ThreeGenerosity and Investing9 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FourWork and Honesty9 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FiveCrisis and Eternity9 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson SixFinishing Well7 Activities
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion2 Activities|1 Assessment
Participants 188
God’s Provision – Discussion
Christian Learning Center › Forums › What in the notes did you find revealing, interesting or challenging?
Tagged: BF110-01
What in the notes did you find revealing, interesting or challenging?
Claudette Simmonds replied 1 week, 1 day ago 56 Members · 92 Replies
It’s revealing that faithfulness with small things is key to receiving greater responsibilities from God. I found it interesting that how we handle money reflects our true character and values. The idea that wasting resources could lead to losing stewardship responsibilities is challenging, as it reminds me to be diligent and careful in managing what I’ve been given.
- Revealing: God
always provides, but His ways can surprise us. He is faithful, but we
don’t always know how He’ll meet our needs. - Interesting: The
story of the orphans holding bread shows how trusting God’s promises gives
us peace. - Challenging:
Accepting that everything belongs to God, not us, can be hard when the
world tells us we own what we have.
- Revealing: God
The notes opened my eyes to how closely money and our spiritual life are connected. I didn’t realize that Jesus talked so much about money—15% of His teachings! It’s challenging to think of every financial decision as a spiritual one. Luke 14:33, which says we need to give up all we have to follow Jesus, is especially hard because it asks us to trust God completely with everything we own.
The God who is in charge of the universe is the same God in charge of my life.
I have made it a habit to be constantly thankful for all that God has given me, understanding that He does not have to but because His love is so great He allows me to have the things I need and some of my wants. My finances are from Him and Him alone.
Christian Learning Center › Forums › Why would it be important to know that the Lord is in control of our circumstances?
Tagged: BF110-01
Why would it be important to know that the Lord is in control of our circumstances?
Gloria Curne replied 1 week, 5 days ago 23 Members · 23 Replies
If we do not know this, we will worry and panic in the face of difficult circumstances – and those circumstances are sure to come because life is uncertain. Because of such worries, we may hoard money unnecessarily. We may also pursue money overly, because no amount of money is ever enough to feel secure when God is not our security.
I think it is important in order to lower stress and build trust in our relationship with our Creator. We can build our trust in Him like a muscle and eventually build faith and humility. I used to work mountains of overtime until He straight up told me to focus on my family instead of money and as soon as I obeyed He began opening the floodgates of blessings in unexpected way.
It is important to know the lord is in control over our circumstances because we can cast all our cares upon him as the bible says
It’s important to believe that God is in control and he has a greater good in our circumstances. The Bible says he causes all things to work for good for those that love him. This gives us comfort and a hope when we go through hard times.
Knowing God is in control takes away the worries of life and put in perspective the things we can’t control.
Christian Learning Center › Forums › How have you experienced God’s control of circumstances in your life?
Tagged: BF110-01
How have you experienced God’s control of circumstances in your life?
CHIA CHIN MING replied 1 month, 4 weeks ago 17 Members · 16 Replies
I have experienced Gods control in my life by seeing him supply all my needs. He has given me a job that I enjoy and I have everything I need.
I’ve personally had financial situations in that I didn’t know how something was going to get paid. I prayed and out of the blue checks came in the mail. It was so unimaginable; I called the institution where the check came from to make sure it was valid. In other times where money was tight or something didn’t go my way, God still showed me that His grace was sufficient.
A biggie recently was, a close friend of mine and my self parted ways from each other. Bad thoughts, ugly words and a fouled life style separated us as we chose different directions. I believe that was Gods plan which was to separate us, show us that we were better business partners together and to let us feel what it is like to do without. Now God gas brought us back together and we are much better friends, business partners and he is 100 showing us the sky is the limit if we trust and believe in him.
God have showed me so much ,as I take this journey with the Lord. My life has been so much better in all circumstances of who the Lord and all guides me every day . Life is His as He take full control.amen
Yes. I have seen God directing my path and controlling my circumstances many times. He has led me to discover my gifts and talents and to develop them. Then He has put me into the perfect position to hone them and been given numerous opportunities to utilize them. He has also placed the right people in my path at the perfect time, whether for a season or a lifetime. He has guided my choices of employment as well. Yet all the while He has provided, even when that did not seem possible.