Give, Save, and Spend - Financial Discipleship Study
Lesson OneStarting Well9 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson TwoCounsel, Debt and Saving9 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson ThreeGenerosity and Investing9 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FourWork and Honesty9 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FiveCrisis and Eternity9 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson SixFinishing Well7 Activities
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion2 Activities|1 Assessment
Participants 188
Honesty – Discussion
Christian Learning Center › Forums › What in the notes did you find revealing, challenging or interesting?
Tagged: BF110-04
What in the notes did you find revealing, challenging or interesting?
Wendy Scantlebury-Momoh replied 1 month, 1 week ago 15 Members · 23 Replies
what was interesting to me was that working for six days as genesis says
The section on retirement. I’ve always wondered about the concept of retirement as it is a newer concept and seems to be quite unhealthy. I do think it is pretty interesting that the Bible allows for the idea of doing more of a teaching role in older age.
One of the challenges that spoke to me is the one about satisfaction where I am. I used to have a very unGodly mindset when it came to my job. It finally hit me after a couple years that He specifically wants me where I am! I had miraculous things happen that showed me exactly that He wants me here and now it is more clear why after many years of staying where He put me.
Everyone has strengths and the ability to work in the way God created… There are jobs that are considered ordinary silkworms and do not affect many people. However, God does not, but because everything of honest workers is valued and blessed by God. Be faithful to work and do the best you can in any role.
I feel the more honest we are the easier it gets to be honest the next time.
Christian Learning Center › Forums › What does dishonesty look like in our society today?
Tagged: BF110-04
What does dishonesty look like in our society today?
Raymond Tong replied 3 months, 2 weeks ago 14 Members · 13 Replies
Politicians are a great example of dishonesty in today’s society. Another example would be medical doctors that get paid to promote ideologies and medications that don’t have anything to do with legitimate healing.
In developing countries like Vietnam, dishonesty also appears quite a lot in the field of education when, when applying for a job
Dishonesty takes on many forms in our society today. From the outright lies that politicians tell to the skewed half-truths in advertising, sadly dishonesty abounds. Children lie from an early age to stay out of trouble or get what they want. Nobody has to teach them to do it. It is simply human nature. The media also spins their information to the left or to the right per their agenda. Sometimes dishonesty is even found in the church by teaching false doctrine, conforming to societal norms, misuse of funds, and hiding ghastly sins. Dishonesty is all around us. We are truly in a time where people call good evil and evil good.
It’s that people feel they have to lie to get something and it look good to them.
Christian Learning Center › Forums › How have you experienced someone being dishonest with you?
Tagged: BF110-04
How have you experienced someone being dishonest with you?
Stacey Oswald replied 6 months, 1 week ago 11 Members · 10 Replies
I most certainly have experienced people being dishonest with me because I am so trusting. I want to always see the good in people and often view the world through rose colored glasses. I focus on the good in people and overlook the obvious bad things, so people find it easy to be dishonest with me and lie to me. I do not read people very well either. This makes it even easier to be dishonest with me. Evidence that we live in a fallen world.
Yes, it sound like good to them making up thing to satisfy them self. We don’t know that they not being honest, just take them at their word.
Yes, I once purchased a new house only to find after inspections and purchase that some of the required upgrades were left undone, but stated they were completed. I ran into incidents of dishonesty as a compliance and fraud examiner.
When I was a teenager, I had a girlfriend that went to Japan, and when she came back, I found out that she had cheated on me. So I broke up with her and later, was better off.
Christian Learning Center › Forums › Personal Reflection (you don’t need to answer this in your group if you don’t want to). Think about a time where you were recently dishonest. Were you able to complete the 3 “restore” scenarios found in the notes? If not, what is hindering you from doing so?
Tagged: BF110-04
Personal Reflection (you don’t need to answer this in your group if you don’t want to). Think about a time where you were recently dishonest. Were you able to complete the 3 “restore” scenarios found in the notes? If not, what is hindering you from doing so?
Stacey Oswald replied 6 months, 1 week ago 7 Members · 6 Replies
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Christian Learning Center › Forums › Level 2 Participants- what insights or questions did you have from completing the Estimated Spending Plan?
Tagged: BF110-04
Level 2 Participants- what insights or questions did you have from completing the Estimated Spending Plan?
Leong replied 6 months, 1 week ago 7 Members · 6 Replies
I didn’t do the estimate spending plan, however, I made my own spending plan budget.