Bible Study Basics
Lesson OneWhy We Study the Bible8 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson TwoGetting Started7 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson ThreeMacro-Observation7 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FourMicro-Observation6 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FiveInterpreting a Bible Passage7 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson SixApplying a Bible Passage7 Activities|1 Assessment
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion2 Activities
Participants 634
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Christian Learning Center › Forums › How would you prioritize the three reasons given in this lesson for studying the Bible: “It is essential to knowing and loving God;” “It is essential for growing up in God;” and “It is essential to serving God”? What is the basis for how you prioritize them?
Tagged: SF106-01
How would you prioritize the three reasons given in this lesson for studying the Bible: “It is essential to knowing and loving God;” “It is essential for growing up in God;” and “It is essential to serving God”? What is the basis for how you prioritize them?
Ralph Coutard replied 3 days ago 108 Members · 108 Replies
For me, the order is as stated; knowing and loving God, without knowing and loving Him I will not be able to grow in Him and without growing in Him I would not be able to faithfully serve Him. They are all important in developing our identity as His children.
I don’t think that these reasons are to be ranked. I think they in fact work in service of each other. The ultimate call of people is to relationship with God. This relationship is to be based on truth-a right beholding of God and ourselves. It is this truth that invites us to love God. That is, when we are made privy to truth about God we are also invited, and enabled by His Holy Spirit, to embrace it. It is in the embrace of the truth that we come to love God. God says that it is by obeying His commandments that we show our love for Him. (John 14:15). As we obey Him we are also invited to know Him in a deeper way and this results in a call to deeper expressions of love on our part and a “growing up in God”. The good works the Lord has prepared in advance are entered effectively by us when we are in intimate relationship with God. (John 15:5 and Ephesians 2:10). We serve God in a way that glorifies Him when we walk with Him. We walk with Him, one Word at a time.
[Why are these simple one-word questions helpful in discovering the meaning of a passage: Who? Why? When? Where? How? Wherefore?] We are able to see the passage from all aspects. We get a well-rounded understanding when we answer all of those one-word questions.
[Why are these simple one-word questions helpful in discovering the meaning of a passage: Who? Why? When? Where? How? Wherefore?] They are great ways to discover the truth and context of any thing that we are investigating, whether a Bible Passage or a newspaper story!
[Why are these simple one-word questions helpful in discovering the meaning of a passage: Who? Why? When? Where? How? Wherefore?] To fully understand the message of the text