Lesson 1, Activity 5

Share Your Thoughts

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Share your response to the following questions.

This activity supports learning objective 3.

Christian Learning Center Forums How would you prioritize the three reasons given in this lesson for studying the Bible: “It is essential to knowing and loving God;” “It is essential for growing up in God;” and “It is essential to serving God”? What is the basis for how you prioritize them?


  • How would you prioritize the three reasons given in this lesson for studying the Bible: “It is essential to knowing and loving God;” “It is essential for growing up in God;” and “It is essential to serving God”? What is the basis for how you prioritize them?

    Ralph Coutard replied 3 days, 2 hours ago 108 Members · 108 Replies
  • Kimberly Rouse

    10/26/2024 at 12:59

    This is a tough question.

    1. Knowing and loving God

    2. Serving God

    3. Growing up in God

    My reasons: Of course our knowledge of and love for God has to come before anything. It is the precursor to service and growth alike. I think I put Service second because that is our duty to our King and His will should come before all. And lastly, the more we know and love and serve the more we grow.

    I recognize this is an opinion and may differ from the prioritization others would apply and that’s ok as long as we are, indeed, practicing all three.

  • Scotia Ogle

    10/21/2024 at 17:58

    I would put knowing and loving God first, growing up in God second, and serving God third. I cannot grow up in God without knowing and loving Him first, and I do not feel that I would be a very effective servant until I have gained some maturity. None of these is more important than the other to me though.

  • Alvin Neira

    10/14/2024 at 22:02

    I would prioritize, 1) knowing and loving God more as I learn more about Him, 2) growing up in God, 3) serving God. I believe we have to know who we are to serve better and out of that knowledge and love for Him the work becomes a pleasure to serve the living God.

  • Lynda Park

    09/29/2024 at 19:45

    I believe first you have to know God. When you know Him, your love for Him grows as you spend time with Him. Then you want to serve Him to show that your relationship with Him is real. I do not see any of these as more or less important, but perhaps rather in a succession.

  • Matthew Dixon

    09/28/2024 at 14:51

    The reasons given all tie into each other. One cannot truly serve God without knowing and loving Him; One’s knowledge and love for God mature and grow as we serve Him. I would not prioritize them in any specific order as the continued study and growth of any one of them will play a role in the growth of the others.

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