Lesson 1, Activity 5

Share Your Thoughts

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Share your response to the following questions.

This activity supports learning objective 3.

Christian Learning Center Forums How would you prioritize the three reasons given in this lesson for studying the Bible: “It is essential to knowing and loving God;” “It is essential for growing up in God;” and “It is essential to serving God”? What is the basis for how you prioritize them?


  • How would you prioritize the three reasons given in this lesson for studying the Bible: “It is essential to knowing and loving God;” “It is essential for growing up in God;” and “It is essential to serving God”? What is the basis for how you prioritize them?

    Ralph Coutard replied 3 days, 5 hours ago 108 Members · 108 Replies
  • Lauren Cross

    07/09/2024 at 12:51

    Knowing/Loving, Serving, Growing.

    I think the foundation of knowing and loving God has to come first, because to grow and to serve can only come from those. From there, I think God calls us to serve and in the midst of that is faithful to grow us and teach us as we walk with Him and follow after Him.

  • jedidiah Johnson

    06/09/2024 at 15:29

    They are all for sure important. I can’t really say I think one if more important than the others all they all are true and can’t really be separated. We can’t live righteously and effectively if we don’t read God’s Word for ourselves. It would be like wanting to work on a car but not paying attention to the manual.

  • Robert Swan

    06/09/2024 at 15:12

    All three are essential to me knowing and loving God, growing up in God, and larning how to serve God.

  • Steven Kellejian

    05/30/2024 at 20:15

    I would prioritize them in the way they are written because knowing and loving God gives you the motivation to grow which in turn gives on the basis to serve; however, it should not be considered like a math class where one must master one before moving on to the other. Rather one should work to grow in all three areas.

  • Samantha Ulstad

    05/29/2024 at 17:07

    Knowing, Growing, Serving.

    I believe in order for you to be grown, you have to be known. So known is first, then grown. Serving to me just naturally comes with being known and growing.

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