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This activity supports learning objective 3.

Christian Learning Center Forums Why is it important that you recognize explicit communication (“Don’t touch that!”) from implicit communication (“That’s hot!”) when you read the Bible? What does Dr. Cohick say are the benefits of being able to discern the implications in a passage of Scripture?


  • Why is it important that you recognize explicit communication (“Don’t touch that!”) from implicit communication (“That’s hot!”) when you read the Bible? What does Dr. Cohick say are the benefits of being able to discern the implications in a passage of Scripture?

    Delbert Essen replied 2 days, 11 hours ago 7 Members · 6 Replies
  • Darlene Davis

    12/16/2024 at 23:37

    Discerning the implication of scripture is your guide for living a life pleasing to God, holy, righteous and true. It’s getting to have a personal relationship with God and learn the essence of his character.

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