Lesson 6, Activity 1

Summative Activity

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In your course workbook or journal, complete the Action Plan for the Summative Activity.

Review the course summary table below and your responses to the action plan activities in each lesson. In the last column, write strategies that you have learned and Bible engagement practices you will practice.

Lesson Strategy Practice My Action Plan
Lesson One: The Bible Tells God’s Story Read the whole Bible as one story of God’s love for His people. Read the Bible as a drama in four acts: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and New Creation.
Lesson Two: The Power of God’s Story Read to inhabit God’s story rather than just observing it. Read the Bible in larger sections and ask, “What is God’s purpose here?”
Lesson Three: The Message of God’s Story Read to understand God’s meaning and intent. Consider the communication cycle to identify what a passage says and its intended impact on the listener/reader.
Lesson Four: The Reader of God’s Story Read to discern what God’s words invite us to do. Discern the assumptions, implications, and context of the original text.
Lesson Five: The Context of God’s Story Read to understand cultural differences and universal truths. Enter the text imaginatively to understand the original context and how it connects to God’s grand narrative.