Expository Preaching
Lesson OneWorlds of the Expositor: The Ancient World4 Activities
Lesson TwoWorlds of the Expositor: The Modern World3 Activities
Lesson ThreeWorlds of the Expositor: The Particular World4 Activities
Lesson FourWorlds of the Expositor: The Expositor's World3 Activities
Lesson FiveDefining Expository Preaching: Part I4 Activities
Lesson SixDefining Expository Preaching: Part II3 Activities
Lesson SevenThe Anatomy of an Idea: Subject and Complement4 Activities
Lesson EightStating the Idea of a Verse3 Activities
Lesson NineStating the Idea of Larger Units of Thought3 Activities
Lesson TenUnity, Order, and Progress4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson ElevenThree Developmental Questions4 Activities
Lesson TwelveThe Developmental Questions in the Bible: Part I3 Activities
Lesson ThirteenThe Developmental Questions in the Bible: Part II4 Activities
Lesson FourteenThe Developmental Questions in the Bible: Part III3 Activities
Lesson FifteenThe Developmental Questions and Your Congregation4 Activities
Lesson SixteenDeveloping the Sermon's Homiletical Idea4 Activities
Lesson SeventeenClarifying the Sermon's Purpose3 Activities
Lesson EighteenThe Motivating Sequence of a Sermon: Part I4 Activities
Lesson NineteenThe Motivating Sequence of a Sermon: Part II3 Activities
Lesson TwentyThe Motivating Sequence of a Sermon: Part III3 Activities
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 147
Discussion Questions
Christian Learning Center › Forums › Tell of several ways in which today’s culture affects the way you view the Bible.
Tagged: HR504-01
Tell of several ways in which today’s culture affects the way you view the Bible.
Posted by info on 12/29/2021 at 13:41Paul Winkelman replied 2 hours, 54 minutes ago 40 Members · 41 Replies -
41 Replies
The culture of the United States, is so different from other parts of the world, and certainly the ancient world. In the church that I pastor, I recently preached a four week sermon series on the 4 types of Biblical love. These four types of love are “Storge” or family love, “Philia,” or “Phileo,” which is friendship love, “Eros” love, which is the love of a husband and wife, and “Agape” love, which is the love God has for us all. Just the idea of love in the original Ancient Greek is so different than our idea of love in our culture today. We use the word love so loosely, and the Bible has separate words and categories to describe love.
Other that this, I have found as our culture has less and less agriculture, some people cannot relate to the parables and scriptures about agriculture as much as years ago.
The culture of the United States, is so different from other parts of the world, and certainly the ancient world. In the church that I pastor, I recently preached a four week sermon series on the 4 types of Biblical love. These four types of love are “Storge” or family love, “Philia,” or “Phileo,” which is friendship love, “Eros” love, which is the love of a husband and wife, and “Agape” love, which is the love God has for us all. Just the idea of love in the original Ancient Greek is so different than our idea of love in our culture today. We use the word love so loosely, and the Bible has separate words and categories to describe love.
Other that this, I have found as our culture has less and less agriculture, some people cannot relate to the parables and scriptures about agriculture as much as years ago.
Culture today though different in many ways still has a lot of similarities of past Culture. Bridging the two is fascinating,such as adultery, lust, children and parents, the way they treated one another. Scripture tells us that which was will be again. Ther is nothing new under the sun.
Learning how we can take what was and learn so we can be better for what is. Culture can help us understand that better.
Today’s culture in most part have come to view the Bible as one of the religious books amongst several others. Some parts of today’s culture even views some text of the Bible as ordinary stories written by some men that were influenced by their environment and personal experiences. However, despite the ways today’s culture have come to view the context and spiritual values of the Holy Bible, I have personal come to understand and experience the Holy Bible as the only authentic Word of the Almighty God.
My first thought is thinking about myself and what this passage means to me. Dr. Robinson tells us the first thing we need to remember is that it was written to a specific group of people and we first must realize and ask what did this mean to them.