Expository Preaching
Lesson OneWorlds of the Expositor: The Ancient World4 Activities
Lesson TwoWorlds of the Expositor: The Modern World3 Activities
Lesson ThreeWorlds of the Expositor: The Particular World4 Activities
Lesson FourWorlds of the Expositor: The Expositor's World3 Activities
Lesson FiveDefining Expository Preaching: Part I4 Activities
Lesson SixDefining Expository Preaching: Part II3 Activities
Lesson SevenThe Anatomy of an Idea: Subject and Complement4 Activities
Lesson EightStating the Idea of a Verse3 Activities
Lesson NineStating the Idea of Larger Units of Thought3 Activities
Lesson TenUnity, Order, and Progress4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson ElevenThree Developmental Questions4 Activities
Lesson TwelveThe Developmental Questions in the Bible: Part I3 Activities
Lesson ThirteenThe Developmental Questions in the Bible: Part II4 Activities
Lesson FourteenThe Developmental Questions in the Bible: Part III3 Activities
Lesson FifteenThe Developmental Questions and Your Congregation4 Activities
Lesson SixteenDeveloping the Sermon's Homiletical Idea4 Activities
Lesson SeventeenClarifying the Sermon's Purpose3 Activities
Lesson EighteenThe Motivating Sequence of a Sermon: Part I4 Activities
Lesson NineteenThe Motivating Sequence of a Sermon: Part II3 Activities
Lesson TwentyThe Motivating Sequence of a Sermon: Part III3 Activities
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 147
Discussion Questions
Christian Learning Center › Forums › Tell of several ways in which today’s culture affects the way you view the Bible.
Tagged: HR504-01
Tell of several ways in which today’s culture affects the way you view the Bible.
Paul Winkelman replied 1 day, 12 hours ago 40 Members · 41 Replies
Today’s culture influences my biblical views in several ways.
Firstly, today’s culture influences me by pressuring me into reading the Bible out of context. It is the quick and easy mindset that we all feel from fast food restaurants to automated billing. I feel like this reactionary mindset influences my learning styles in the bible. This perspective influences readers to take scriptural text out of context which can create confusion and frustration when attempting to compare scripture.
Secondly, society Has become so simplified and streamlined that we often forget how to incorporate hermeneutics into our biblical studies. Modern american society often bypasses the necessary learning of society during biblical times. This can sometimes create issues when trying to understand contextual concepts from scripture.
Your perspective raised a very valid point in how today’s culture have come to shape how many of us view the Bible. In today’s fast paced culture, the Bible is sometimes viewed as a quick reference book with no quality time to meditate and understand the Word. It’s no surprise then that some people like me do sometimes read and explain the Bible out of context.
Thanks for your contribution.
Joseph Olujobi
Today our culture teaches that good things are bad things and bad things are good things
It also encourage us to question the authority of God and The Bible
Todays culture affects our reading of the Bible by what our society is grounded in, no longer as wiser society are we built upon biblical principles and wisdom but we look to our own knowledge and experience as well as that of the scientific community. When reading the Bible we can take verses out of context and remove them from the passage to cherry pick a meaning for ourselves which the original author did not intend as we do not know enough of the cult of the time it was written
Today, our culture views the Bible as one guide to follow through a person’s life. Also, our culture sees the Bible as reference book to look up what fits a person’s need at the time. The true is the Bible never changes. Our culture needs to turn directly to the word of God. Trust and Believe then follow God’s word.
Today’s culture seems to be more self-centered than people in biblical times. Commercials and advertisements are all about our comfort and finding ways to remove stress from our lives. Any discomfort in our lives motivates business people to invent something new to remove the discomfort. So we are accustomed to think that comfort in life is the goal. We cast aside thoughts of an aging body that is prone to decline and dream of retirement on a sailboat as we watch a beautiful sunset with our forever living spouse.
So how does the culture affect the way I view the Bible? I will tend to think that God wants me comfortable and happy 24/7. I will focus on scriptures that contribute to this and avoid scriptures that don’t. But this is wrong. We must allow the Word of God to renew our minds and read Scripture as it is written and not read into it, remove from it, or add to it. Scripture is truth and though it hurts at times it is there to purge us to prepare us for eternity. Culture and Bible do not always agree.