Expository Preaching
Lesson OneWorlds of the Expositor: The Ancient World4 Activities
Lesson TwoWorlds of the Expositor: The Modern World3 Activities
Lesson ThreeWorlds of the Expositor: The Particular World4 Activities
Lesson FourWorlds of the Expositor: The Expositor's World3 Activities
Lesson FiveDefining Expository Preaching: Part I4 Activities
Lesson SixDefining Expository Preaching: Part II3 Activities
Lesson SevenThe Anatomy of an Idea: Subject and Complement4 Activities
Lesson EightStating the Idea of a Verse3 Activities
Lesson NineStating the Idea of Larger Units of Thought3 Activities
Lesson TenUnity, Order, and Progress4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson ElevenThree Developmental Questions4 Activities
Lesson TwelveThe Developmental Questions in the Bible: Part I3 Activities
Lesson ThirteenThe Developmental Questions in the Bible: Part II4 Activities
Lesson FourteenThe Developmental Questions in the Bible: Part III3 Activities
Lesson FifteenThe Developmental Questions and Your Congregation4 Activities
Lesson SixteenDeveloping the Sermon's Homiletical Idea4 Activities
Lesson SeventeenClarifying the Sermon's Purpose3 Activities
Lesson EighteenThe Motivating Sequence of a Sermon: Part I4 Activities
Lesson NineteenThe Motivating Sequence of a Sermon: Part II3 Activities
Lesson TwentyThe Motivating Sequence of a Sermon: Part III3 Activities
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 147
Discussion Questions
Christian Learning Center › Forums › Tell of several ways in which today’s culture affects the way you view the Bible.
Tagged: HR504-01
Tell of several ways in which today’s culture affects the way you view the Bible.
Paul Winkelman replied 1 day, 22 hours ago 40 Members · 41 Replies
One way today’s culture affects my view of the Bible is that I tend to see things through the lens of science and western reasoning. I have been raised with a dualist mindset. I am uncomfortable sitting with contradiction and mystery.
Of course there are many other areas that are shaped by my culture. I think from an individualistic mindset rather than from a communal mindset.
I think my view of government and family and human rights are all very different from the thinking in the Bible. -
I think it affects me because in the most parts I interpret things that the Bible did not intend to say because I think that the culture is similar than mine.
I would say that people do not believe the Bible to be true simply because it is the Bible but that instead the Bible needs to be proven with testimonials and illustrations that are a result of its impact on peoples lives. However, I view the Bible as the eternal Word of God that is the foundation of my faith and the ultimate authority in my life.
Culture is creating great pressure to be all inclusive, accepting, affirming. Many in the church are questioning the Authority of Scripture and how it relates to abortion, homosexuality, gender, divorce, marriage, among other things, as a result of culture’s growing force.
This can create a need or desire to refute the false teaching, and less time in living out our faith and revealing Jesus in and through us.The individualism often taught and modeled, the “personal” nature of faith, weakens the reality of the family of God, creating weakness in many cases, frustration and bitterness on the other side. I have been frustrated with the lack of willingness to gather and live out the identity as family, children of God, we are not believing what God states about His Fsmily and priority.
The pressure of culture and work and family at times leaves little room to enjoy and practice the presence of God. The study of God’s Word in depth seems pushed to the perimeter in the pace we allow ourselves to enter, so in essence are not seeing the priority of the Word.
The Bible is the sovereign, unchanging word of God and I make every attempt not to allow the culture that surrounds me to affect my view of His truth, challenging as it is.